Amaru (AH-mah-roo)

This serpent retains the two-headed feature of its ancestors, now evolved for agile navigation through Tir na nOg's terrain.

Basic Information


Two heads with independent cognitive abilities, a muscular yet flexible body, and iridescent scales.

Biological Traits

Capable of limb regeneration; scales can display a spectrum of colors based on emotional state.

Genetics and Reproduction

Engages in a bioluminescent display during mating rituals, aligning with the island's biennial lunar celebrations.

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers the dense, mystical underbrush near the island's ley lines, often found basking on sun-drenched riverbanks.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Predominantly piscivorous, supplemented by magical fruits from Ethereal Plants, providing enhanced vitality.

Biological Cycle

Exhibits crepuscular behavior, with activity peaks during dawn and dusk when the island's magic is in flux.


Solitary outside of mating season, communicates through complex body language and vibrational humming.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Loner by nature, Amaru congregate in sacred groves during mating season to perform elaborate courtship rituals.

Facial characteristics

Each head features hypnotic, kaleidoscopic eyes and a mane of delicate, feather-like scales.

Average Intelligence

Comparable to that of an octopus, demonstrating problem-solving and environmental manipulation.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Highly developed binocular vision, advanced olfactory senses, and sensitive vibration detection through the jawbone.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Amaru do not adhere to human concepts of gender; their roles in society and mating are not defined by gender.

Relationship Ideals

Form temporary yet intense bonds during mating, characterized by mutual respect and shared nurturing of offspring.


Semi-sapient; possesses an intrinsic understanding of the island's arcane currents.

Common Myths and Legends

Believed to be the living embodiment of the island's dual nature, each head is said to watch over either the past or the future.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Amaru are regarded as wise elders by other species and are often sought for their perceived wisdom but prefer to remain elusive.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Descended from the legendary serpentine dragons, now exhibiting a harmonious balance with the island's mystical energies.
Average Height
Average Weight
119.05 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Built for both arboreal and aquatic environments, displaying strength and flexibility.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Emerald green and cobalt blue with streaks of gold and silver that react to the island's magical fields.
Ancient Amaru.jpg

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