Camazotz (KAM-ah-zots)

A bat-like creature with an impressive wingspan, the Miniature Camazotz retains the nightmarish visage of its forebears but is sized for the island's ecosystems.

Basic Information


Compact, with powerful wing muscles and a sonar system highly attuned to the island's unique frequency.

Biological Traits

Its saliva has minor healing properties, a remnant of its ancient divine aspect.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mates during the island's lunar festivals, producing one offspring biennially.

Ecology and Habitats

Caves and old growth forests, particularly favoring areas shrouded in mystery and magic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Insectivorous, with a preference for magical moths and beetles that glow under the night sky.

Biological Cycle

Nocturnal, with a life rhythm dictated by the moon's phases.


Elusive and silent, it communicates with its kind through a complex series of clicks and screeches.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lives in colonies with a complex hierarchy, displaying cooperation especially in raising their young.

Facial characteristics

Intimidating appearance with sharp teeth and large, sensitive ears that pivot to catch sound waves.

Average Intelligence

Navigational and hunting skills are highly developed, with a social structure that hints at deeper communal bonds.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Echolocation allows navigation in complete darkness, sensitive to the faintest of sounds.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Females are the primary caregivers and are central to the colony's social structure.

Relationship Ideals

Monogamous pair bonds with shared parenting duties.


Non-sapient, yet displays behaviors that suggest a collective consciousness.

Common Myths and Legends

Once feared as omens of death, now regarded as guardians against malevolent spirits.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Maintains distance from mortals, occasionally seen as a curious omen by the island's inhabitants.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Once a deity associated with night and sacrifice, now a more benign nocturnal predator.
Average Height
Average Weight
2.2 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Sturdy body with claws designed for clinging to vertical surfaces.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark brown to black fur, with patches of red or orange around the neck and shoulders that stand out against the night sky.
Ancient Camazotz

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