Long ()

Long (Dragon)
The Miniature Long carries the wisdom and benevolence of its ancestors in a more compact form, often found near sources of water, bestowing a sense of peace to its surroundings.

Basic Information


Elegant and serpentine, with smooth scales and a mane that flows like water down its back.

Biological Traits

The scales possess a subtle glow, particularly during the full moon, and are sought after for their purported healing properties.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rarely seen mating rituals occur only once per decade, aligned with celestial events, resulting in a clutch of crystalline eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

Tranquil lakes, rivers, and the moist earth of the island's enchanted forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivorous, with a preference for the sacred lotuses of the Divine Groves, which are thought to prolong their life.

Biological Cycle

Linked to the lunar cycle, their energy and vitality wax and wane with the moon.


Solitary and contemplative, known for their gentle demeanor and the wisdom they impart in rare encounters.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Known to live in seclusion, they are revered by other creatures who often leave offerings at their known resting places.

Facial characteristics

Wise eyes that sparkle like dewdrops, with tendrils that gently sense the world around them.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, often considered the embodiment of the island's ancient knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Highly attuned to the elemental forces, particularly water and earth, sensing even the slightest disturbances.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Gender is seen as fluid among the Miniature Long, with no distinct roles or characteristics between males and females.

Relationship Ideals

Bonds are formed on a spiritual level during mating, seen as a union of essences rather than mere physical connection.


Semi-sapient, with a deep-seated respect for the natural order and the well-being of the island.

Common Myths and Legends

Thought to possess the power to grant blessings of fertility to the land and its inhabitants.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Acts as a guardian of the island's sacred spaces, maintaining harmony within the ecosystem.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Directly descended from the dragons of legend, embodying the principles of balance and harmony.
Average Height
Average Weight
661.39 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Lithe and powerful, capable of navigating both the water's depths and the forest's complexity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pearlescent scales that reflect the hues of their environment, from the blues of the water to the greens of the forest.
Ancient Long

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