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Manticore (MAN-ti-core)

This creature bears a lion's body, human-like head, and a scorpion's tail, a combination that speaks to its legendary origins. Now smaller and less fearsome, the Isle Manticore is a solitary but fascinating creature.

Basic Information


Muscular body, with a mane that frames the human-like face and a tail tipped with what resembles a stinger.

Biological Traits

The tail's stinger is vestigial, no longer venomous, but still used for defense and during ritual combat.

Genetics and Reproduction

Engages in a solitary courtship, with individuals coming together only for mating. Offspring are typically raised by the mother until they can hunt.

Ecology and Habitats

Rocky outcrops and sparse woodlands, where it can survey its territory from a vantage point.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous, preying on medium-sized animals, with a particular taste for creatures that dwell in the shadows of the island's magical fields.

Biological Cycle

Primarily crepuscular, most active during the twilight hours.


Known for its fierce independence and occasional displays of territorial aggression.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Largely solitary, Manticores have a territory they maintain and mark regularly.

Facial characteristics

Humanoid facial structure with a leonine mane, sharp teeth, and piercing eyes.

Average Intelligence

Possesses a cunning nature, with an aptitude for problem-solving when it comes to hunting and navigating the terrain.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen sight and hearing, with a sense of smell that can track a scent for miles.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Males tend to be slightly larger and more solitary than females.

Relationship Ideals

Brief and infrequent interactions for mating purposes, with no lasting bonds.


Non-sapient, though they exhibit a level of understanding and adaptation to the island's ecosystem.

Common Myths and Legends

Once the subject of cautionary tales, now regarded as a symbol of the wild and untamed nature of the island's interior.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While not aggressive without provocation, they command a wide berth from other species due to their imposing presence.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Once feared in ancient myths for its ferocity, it has softened its nature to coexist with the island's inhabitants.
Average Height
Average Weight
440.92 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Powerful and agile, capable of bursts of speed over short distances.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Reddish-brown fur with darker stripes along the body, the mane often a lighter hue.
Related Organizations
Ancient Manticore

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