
The Perfect Doll Kylanthia

Kylanthia has ever been the loving companion of Rosemary, though their friendship was cut short. They grew up close, with their mothers being great friends, often giving the two girls plently of time with one another. Their childhood was full of innocence and carelessness; they were seldom apart from each other, until one such day where a letter arrived in Rosemary's chambers. It was then that their lives would be forever parted, until such a time where Rosemary was older, where she would return her friend to her side.  
Though mortals may squirm and scream with their little fairy tails and stories, not all is what is seems. For there was once a girl, so lonely and desperate, who made a pact with a mysterious woman. This woman. the mistress of house Taeral, would offer to make perfect her life. The girl was confused, though she saw no other choice. In exchange for the girl to become her childe, a soul would be given in exchange. The soul of her dear friend.   The doll would be perfect, just as her friend once was. Though not all would be perfect, for the girl had changed. Now a woman grown, her friend's doll body still remained frail, as if to remind her of their time spent together, and still her friend could now well show her emotions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dolls are fragile creatures, and Kylanthia had been frail far before that. Her form remains delicate and soft, with the pretty outlines of girlish beauty still about it; though she remains skinny no matter how much she eats. But her eyes have lost their lambent fire; there is a dreamy, shadowed look in them now. It's as if she could be broken by a single push; so light that you might blow her away on the first breath of wind.

Body Features

The skin of her doll body lays close to the bones, drawn tight across her form. She looks almost like a little skeleton; and there is something so very unnatural in her appearance.

Facial Features

The face remains ever still and pale; showing no emotion as if it were dead. Though when she takes her mistress's blood it may awaken, but even then its colour never changes.

Apparel & Accessories

The favourite garments of Kylanthia are ones of black, with many frills and flounces; often in the lolita style of Northern Strael

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The new doll body of Kylanthia did not keep her past memories, even if it contained her soul. There were many a year spent by Rosemary explaining their childhood, telling stories and tales of their life together, which Kylanthia greatly enjoyed. The centuries after however were far from childish games, for their love would begin to blossom then. They could not return to house Valbanise to be wed, nor could they stay in the realm where she was born. After all, a girl who has been dead for thirty years can hardly be said to have left anything behind but a name.

Mental Trauma

Even though centuries have passed, bringing a soul into a new body is not exactly a smooth process. Still there are times where nightmares strike; or perhaps memories. Memories of death, falling and flying through the air.

Personality Characteristics


Ever being a girl of little motivation, she often strives to do all she can to please her dear friend.


Contacts & Relations

Though a member of house Taerel, the two are mostly separated from the politics of the house. Even so, the position does bring a large amount of privilages.



Thrall (Vital)

Towards Rosemary




Sire (Vital)

Towards Kylanthia




The story of Rosemary with Kylanthia is a complicated tale, yet one of eternal love nonetheless. From their childhood, to the death of Kylanthia, further still to Rosemary's quest to bring her back; their early lives were filled with nothing but troubles. Yet now they are free, free to do as they wish and go where they please, with nothing to stop them but their own desires.

Nicknames & Petnames

Though it had always been just a cute petname, it became almost a way to show her ownership of her friend; a true dolly, not just in looks, but in spirit too.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Kylanthia had rarely gone outside, thus had she acquired a love for literature. And yet she had always longed to see the garden, something which Rosemary often took her to. It was on a certain anniversary that she had found the most pretty of roses for her, kept in stasis by magic, though Kylanthia had said she already was the prettiest rose.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1855 291 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The pinnacle of magical dolls, created by Rosemary upon gaining her soul.
Rosemary (Sire)
Eyes of grey, lit only by the magic within.
Hair of black, waist length, straight and well groomed.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Skin of alabaster, that of a doll come to life.
161 cm
37 kg
Aligned Organization


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