Rin's Guild report - 0.3.7 agf
"The Problems Grow"
After last week's disastrous flooding event in the southern delta and town of Hailfin Port being destroyed, the team from the LWS Guild and Ivory Buroplazia began to cordon off the area. The heroes who survived the encounter with the mutated sea creatures, said that the infestation effected humans, trees and even the ocean itself!
The Black Merfolk, shrouded in darkness was broken, but her dark spirit lives on somewhere out there in the reaches of the southern oceans, and her bleak clouds smother the sunlight over the southern deltas where the town once stood. Her minions planted glowing seeds all over the flooded area, and these have taken root, mutating and devouring everything in sight! This contamination must be contained, or eradicated.
The Great Fish Sorceress Rin has taken command of the site, and set up a command post just north of the Drakar River Mouth, and has called for aid from the Empress in Eal, sending soldiers and sorcerers to the front line to contain it.
With the cordoned off area being heavily guarded, the Sorcerers found that fire is the most effective, and are constantly patrolling the fences, burning all specs of corruption that crosses into the lands beyond. However, the spread is slowly taking over, and moving back into the river deltas beyond, bringing with it a foul watery flood to drown the lands of the south! They are calling the place "The Drowned Lands" and say it is cursed, corrupted, befouled.
Information is scarce, however, a few of the Guildmembers have received a cryptic message in their bedrolls over the past few days.
"Greetings Reader,
I do not wish to alarm you so I will be brief. Your assistance has been requested at the site they call "The Drowned Lands" to the south. There has been...an incident
Something or someone has breached the borders and now wanders inside. It or They, killed twenty of the finest guards broke a fortified fence to pieces, and spread this contamination another three square miles from where they breached.
We are short on able bodies to contain this foul creation, lest it corrupt everything we hold dear, we cannot spare a set of hands for a moment!
Our Captain Rin, has suggested we search the Guild for capable heroes, who can brave the anomaly, root out this interloping threat and stop it before it can do more harm.
If you are such a hero, as the Lady Rin suggests, then please report for duty at the Tent of "The Master of Duties" in the Forward Post to the south as soon as possibly practicable.
If this doesn't not sound like something you are interested in serving your duty for, then please disregard and forget this message ever occurred.
Commander of the Galslavan Tablelands
Sword Protector of the Baron of the Northern Reaches
Regulus Veritax Augustus"
The letter features an artist's rendering of the strange growth covering everything in the area and a map, marking the location of the outpost and the borders of "The Drowned Lands"