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History of Elari

Age of Penance

World of Today

The current era, where Elarians have began to rebuild and slowly regain some of their lost powers.

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    Refoundation of Civilizations

    The remaining Elarians groups together to found multiple countries, totalling 8 different rulers across the continent.

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    The New War
    Military action

    The first major war of the new era. A political war between Ospen and Usmor.

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    The Elarian Convention
    Gathering / Conference

    After witnessing the first war of the era, the country Ahkari called for a meeting of nations to discuss the rules of engagement. The summit was held in Sahkria.

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    World War I
    Military action

    After decades of peace, the first major war involving all nations began. Although there were breaks in the fighting, the overall length of the war spanned for 99 years.

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    Discovery, Scientific

    Osnia reveals to the world that their alchemists have discovered a compound that would allow a commoner to be a threat to trained fighters. However, this "gunpowder" is unreliable and fades into obscurity.

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    Sea Trade Route
    Financial Event

    Ahkari has established the first major trading route by sea with all countries that access to the major ocean.

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    Underwater Ravine Formation
    Geological / environmental event

    A massive earthquake is felt throughout the continent. Expeditionary forces of Etril and Ahkari discovers a newly formed massive underground canyon underneath the Blooodstained Forest that connects the Bay of Gold and the Glass sea. The two countries began development of vessals that could traverse through the canyon.

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    The Scaleship
    Technological achievement

    The inventors of Ahkari and Etril have successfully created a vessal that can travel through the underground canyon as well as adapt to the contrasting weather of the Glass Sea and Bay of Gold.

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    The Eastern Alliance
    Life, Organisation Association

    Etril, Ahkari, and Yefron form the Eastern Alliance, the first major alliance in the continent of Elari.

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    The Boulder Alliance
    Life, Organisation Association

    Osnia and Tosmola form the Boulder Alliance in response to the Eastern Alliance's formation.

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    The Western Alliance
    Life, Organisation Association

    Esmen, Ospen, and Usmor form the Western Alliance in fear of the other alliances.

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    Strangers from Afar
    Population Migration / Travel

    An unknown ship docks in Ahkari's Muejiza Port. Strangers from another continent makes contact with the people of Elari for the first time. They brought along many things: culture, religion, spices, and many other things.

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    The Waterflea Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The influx of foreigners to Elari has brought new diseases, the most lethal being the Waterflea Plague. The plague reduced Elari's population by 20% worldwide.

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    The Oracle's First Prophecy
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    An oracle by that calls themself Delphi spoke of a prophecy:  

    Blood shall paint the land and fields will be tilled with arrows when the gemstone of the mountain is shattered by outsiders.

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    World War II
    Military action

    A 275 year war that began with the assasination of Yefron's leader that was prophesized by the Oracle Delphi. At the end of the war, Esmen was charged with dragging on the war for profiteering and forced to pay reparations to other nations.

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    The Oracle's Second Prophecy
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The oracle Delphi publicizes their second prophecy:

    "A lady has been deceived and subdued, her wealth taken by the hands of rot and destruction. Bind the book and release the seal."

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    Esmen Theocracy
    Religious event

    Esmen becomes a theocracy, worshipping the Goddess Tymora.

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    The Oracle's Third Prophecy
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The oracle Delphi receives another prophecy:  

    A hunger approaches that will consume life and stone. The hunger will be sated but will continue to crave for more.

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    The Draconic War
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dragons awake from their slumber and begin wreak havoc across Elari. A majority of the dragon attacks target the Esmen Theocracy.

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    The Dragon Treaty
    Gathering / Conference

    A majority of the dragons have formed a conclave to discuss peace with the people of Elari. In exchange for territory and soverignty of said territory, dragons of the Chroma Conclave will not initiate any attacks on any nation nor will they aid nations in conflicts.

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    The Oracle Delphi Goes Into Meditation

    The oracle Delphi's follower and Yefron's King, Saint Augstus, announces to the world that Delphi has secluded themself away in meditation, leaving one last prophecy for the people of Elari:  

    The olive tree will not flourish if the owner continues to tend the tree with sea water. There shall come a group of wanderers that shall not only save the olive tree, but revitalize the land it grows upon.

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    Tymora's Crusade
    Military action

    Esmen Theocracy declares war on its allies Ospen and Usmor, claiming that they have lost their way and need to be guided by Tymora's fortune. Within 2 years Ospen was absorbed into the Esmen Theocracy and Usmor was finally annexed in 1268 AD. Refugee report that soldiers of the Esmen Theocracy commited many actions that violated the Elarian Convention.