
Source: Elaris: Sea of Stars
Ability Modifiers +4 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Dex, -2 Cha
Hit Points 6

Size and Type

Drimoki are Medium monstrous humanoids with the aquatic subtype.

Drimok Movement

Drimoki have a base speed of 25 feet and a swim speed of 15 feet. As a move action, a drimok can morph its pseudopod into a fin-like tail, granting it a base land speed of 15 feet and a swim speed of 35 feet instead until they morph it back as a move action.


Drimoki can breathe both water and air, and have the Amphibious universal trait.

Deep-Sea Vision

Drimoki have Low-Light Vision and Darkvision to a range of 60 feet.

Depth and Cold-Inured

A baraci is immune to the dangers of extreme depths and treats severe cold as cold and extreme cold as severe cold.

Fire Resistance

Drimoki have resistance 5 to fire.

Heat Shell

As a standard action, a drimoki can superheat their own body and iron shell for 1 minute, causing it to give off extreme amounts of heat and damaging any creature that makes physical contact with them. A creature that hits the drimoki with a natural weapon such as a bite attack during this time must make a Fortitude save against a DC equal to 10 + half the drimoki's level + the drimoki's Constitution modifier. On a failure, the victim takes 2d4 fire damage, or half as much on a success. This damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level and again at each odd level. Once the drimoki uses this, they cannot do so again until they take a 10 minute rest to regain Stamina points.

Iron Plating

Drimoki have a tough plating coating their body and shell made from volcanic iron. As such, drimoki gain a +1 racial bonus to AC and Fortitude saves.  

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Some Drimoki fall outside of the norms for their race. These variations typically occur more the further from a vent the drimok lives, and they grant the listed ability score adjustments instead of the traditional +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma presented above.


While most drimoki are more engaged in survival and the earning and conserving of heat, those in the capitol cities often have time to spare. As such, some tend to be far interested in research and invention. An inventive drimok's ability adjustments are +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Some drimoki show strange mutations that are typically found within small clusters of them, as represented in the following traits.

Spiny Hide

Some drimoki developed sharp, bristly hides that are dangerous to attackers. These drimoki are treated as having a bone spines biotech augmentation installed, though this does not take up a slot. At 1st level, the drimoki is treated as having the bristling bone spines augmentation, which increases to warding when the drimoki reaches 9th level, punishing at 13th level, and rebuking at 17th level. If the drimoki has their Heat Shell feature active, the attacker takes the damage from both the Spiny Hide and the Heat Shell when the drimoki uses its reaction to deal damage, even if the attacker used a melee weapon instead of a natural attack.   This replaces Iron Plating.

Shape Limbs

Some dromoki have more malleable bodies than others, and can shape their limbs into Natural Weapons that deal their choice of piercing or slashing damage as a move action. Such drimoki are less adept at shaping their pseudopods, and when morphing it into a fin-like tail, have a base land speed of 10 feet and a swim speed of 25 feet.   This modifies Drimoki Movement.
Drimoki are gastropod-like creatures surrounded in a coat of scale-like protrusions made of volcanic iron.

Playing This Race

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Physical Description

The drimoki have a short, almost stubby body with smooth, gooey skin and two long eye stalks rising from the top of their heads. However, this skin is almost never seen, as these creatures have a strange ability to collect latent minerals in the water surrounding them and create a form of personal armor on their skin that also makes it much more bearable to dwell very close to the magma vents that their cities stay in. The armor is a deep black color typically, but some show up in different colors depending on the material composition of their armor. This has become very evident among the drimoki of the Varic Vent, who have a slight coppery color to their armor rather than black armor. The head of these beings is very soft and round in shape, but the armor on the head can be styled by the drimoki allowing for individuality. Some prefer to style it similarly to a helmet, diverting blows away, while others use it almost like beings of other worlds style hair. The drimoki have lack standard teeth, instead possessing a large radula to scrape away nutrients from tough materials. The eyestalks of the drimoki, as well as their limbs, are able to glow with a soft orange bioluminescence, allowing them to see better deep in the darkness, as well as long range communication in the deep.   The drimoki have no visible legs, but are able to reshape their pseudopod into a fin to swim which is further aided by the propelling of water through the body of the drimok, making use of their metallic armor to further reinforce and strengthen this shape, or are otherwise able to crawl upon a solid substrate using the pseudopod similarly to a snail. The dimoki have three arms, one coming off of their back and being far more armored than the others, and thus much less dextrous and flexible.

Home World

Coming from the frozen world of Tasto in the Origin System, the drimoki live in large cities surrounding hydrothermal vents deep on the sea floor. These massive vents fuel not only the cities, but the technology and magic of the drimoki.

Society and Alignment

The drimoki live in a very strict society, where heat—and therefore life—is entirely earned. Those living in the capitol cities have access to the most heat, and typically work the most peaceful jobs. Those that live in the outskirt towns surrounding these cities tend to have less desirable jobs but are still able to get by easily enough, trading up food that they farm or hunt in return for heat from the vent. Those from the furthest reaches have the most dangerous jobs and often end up working as research subjects just for a taste of the heat provided from the vent. Their society is highly lawful, and most drimoki are morally neutral.


The drimoki only recently made contact with other races, originally with the researchers of New Future—namely loanbulara and other common members of the Prime Eugenicists. The drimoki share the interest in the sciences with these researchers and have thus got on well with them, and those who have traveled offworld tend to get along well with other lawful peoples.


Many drimoki—particularly those from outside of the capitol cities—leave Tasto in search of a better and easier life. The drimoki tend to excel as evolutionists, with their highly mutable bodies, or as mystics with their strict adherence to hierarchies. Though not particularly well-acclimated to it initially, many drimoki seek out the path of the solarian, finding they enjoy the light of the stars above almost all else, and trusting in the innate balance of the universe. Rarely will a drimoki return to their home world unless they have a grand idea that they believe will help to advance their species as a whole.


The drimoki have names that are slow and monotone, done to avoid creating too many unnatural vibrations in the water that could attract dangerous creatures. They often incorporate repeated sounds that cause them to sound repetitive and, to offworlders, boring. Sample drimoki names include Haavaadaa, Mesteses, Vorborur, Togog, and Yavamavay.

Vital Staits

Average Height
5-6 ft.
Average Weight
850-1250 lbs.
Age of Maturity
25 years
Maximum Age
450 + 3d% years


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