The Haxian Corporation

The Haxian corporation is the largest corporation in Acostead, and thus have the most sway over how things work in the city. They form the Haxian Conglomerate with BioTechnica and Asco Pharmaceuticals, together the three corporations use their power to remove any threat to their continued control over Acostead.


Like many other corporations, The Haxian Corporation has a beaucratic organizational structure. At the top there is the CEO, currently Asru Haxian, followed by the CTO, COO, and CFO. Beneath them are the department heads, who oversee smaller portions of the company.
  Shift leads report to the department heads, and desk jockeys report to their shift lead. There is also an HR department in the Haxian Corporation, but they do very little as any complaints are ignored and the worker is often simply either let go or shot. After all, everyone is replacable, even you.


The work culture at The Haxian Corporation is one of work hard, tirelessly, and ask no questions. Questions get you fired or worse, killed. Slacking off in any way can result in enormous fines, financially breaking many already poor people who can barely survive on their salaries. If you work hard though, you may eventually get promoted to a shift lead or even better a department head, though those positions come with longer work hours (oftentimes pulling multiple days without sleep) and a higher risk of winding up dead.   As to their place in Acostead, The Haxian Corporation is seen as a necessary evil because of them controlling almost everything in the city. From the vehicles people drive to the weapons they protect themselves with to the datajacks and cyberware that everyone requires, Haxian supplies it all. This keeps everyone firmly within the corporations's control, which is exactly what the Haxian family wants.

Public Agenda

From a public perspective, the Haxian Corporation wishes to supply the citizens of Acostead with affordable vehicles, weapons, datajacks, cameras, and other assorted necessary equipment to survive.
  While they may not always provide items of the highest quality, no one can deny that they provide cheap alternatives to some of the other corporations. Additionally, the Haxians as a family control much of the city, and they work very hard to ensure that their public image is one of caring about the safety and wellbeing of the citizens.
  However they are the wealthiest people in the world, and public agenda only goes so deep, especially when it comes a corporation known for shooting anyone who gets in its way. Makes you wonder what they might actually be planning in the background...


The Haxian Corporation has acquired a large amount of assets in their 400+ years of operations, and currently possess trillions of credits in stocks, property, material goods, and corporate accounts. In Acostead alone they have four different main offices, one in each of the Upper Districts, and several outreach offices in the Lower Districts.
by Dall-E
  These Lower District offices serve simply as a place for them to send people who displease the higher ups in the main offices, with most workers being sent here falling victim to gang violence or being executed by the corporation cleanup crews. It is a death sentence to be sent here, and there have been many cases of department heads or shift leads being condemned here and choosing to commit suicide instead.   Alongside their trillions of credits and multiple offices, The Haxian Corporation also possesses a large fleet of corporate cars, around a thousand armoured vehicles, several hundred autonomous flying vehicles, and three Battleship Class Manned Carriers. These carriers come equipped with massive ordinance, and are used mostly to show the corporation's strength to rival corps.


In the year 2628, Jonas Haxian founded the Haxian Corporation with his best friend Rel Makav and his wife Agatha Haxian after splitting from BioTechnica. He wanted to create an organization that could fill the void that was left behind after the Corpo Wars left the largest corporations with only a smidgeon of their power.   Starting off, the organization operated on minimum assets, but Jonas had a vision for what he could bring to Acostead. Within three years of founding the organization, they released the first ever biogas powered vehicle, the PX-1 Haxian. It came with a HX2631 biogas engine, and quickly became a staple amongst common civilians in the city.   Over the next several decades, Jonas and his business partners expanded the corporation's interests, releasing several more versions of the PX Haxian model vehicle and armoured versions for the military. Everything was going great until Jonas was assassinated by Gron Blackroar in 2683.   After the death of Jonas, his wife Agatha assumed control of the corporation, eventually passing it onto her son, Brovom Haxian who led it for the next fifty years. The CEO position in the corporation has always remained within the Haxian family, being passed down from parent to child, with the latest in the line being Asru Haxian.

We get you from your home to your work quickly, because time is money, and we want money.

Founding Date
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Species

Cover image: by Dall-E