Zeronia Security

Corporate Note: Since the escape of our Lead Engineer Heg D'urr, engineers are no longer to work unaccompanied. Failure to report to Zeronia Military Personnel at the beginning of your shift will lead to your swift execution.


Like many other corporations, Zeronia Security has a beaucratic organizational structure. At the top there is the CEO, currently Nurad Neikam, followed by the CTO, COO, and CFO. Due to Zeronia Security being an offshoot of The Haxian Corporation there is no separate HR department.   Beneath the higher ups are the department heads, who oversee smaller portions of the company. Underneath the Department Heads are dozens of shift leads, each of whom has a small army of desk jockeys performing all of the necessary menial tasks to make the organization run.


Since Zeronia Security is an offshoot of The Haxian Corporation the work culture is very similar. Questions, failure to complete work on time, or anything deemed "unattractive to higher ups" is reason enough to be fired. If the grievance is great enough, or the person doing the firing is feeling especially annoyed that day, the employee may find themselves at the business end of a ZSP-2712.   Most employees at Zeronia's various manufacturing plants are subject to long hours with no breaks, low pay, extremely dangerous work environments, and collective punishment. Most people only last in a Zeronia plant for several months at the latest, either leaving in a body bag or physically unable to work anymore.   This is due to Zeronia being at the forefront of all military operations undertaken by The Haxian Corporation, BioTechnica, and Asco Pharmaceuticals. These larger corpos are always pushing the higher ups at Zeronia to output more and more weaponry, while simultaneously developing new weapons of mass destruction.

"If it goes boom we make it."

Founding Date
Corporation, Security
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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Cover image: by Dall-E