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Common Gods

        Abadar "Master of the First Vault"
Asmodeus "The Prince of Darkness"
Calistria "The Savored Sting"
Cayden Cailean "The Accidental God"
Desna "The Song of the Spheres"
Erastil "Old Deadeye"
Gorum "Our Lord in Iron"
Gozreh "The Wind and the Waves"(person)
Iomedae "The Inheritor"
Irori "Master of Masters" i
Lamashtu "Mother of Monsters"
Nethys "The All-Seeing Eye"
Norgorber "Blackfingers, Father Skinsaw, The Gray Master, Reaper of Reputation"
Pharasma "Lady of Graves"
Rovagug "The Rough Beast"
Sarenrae "The Dawnflower"
Shelyn "The Eternal Rose"
Torag "The Forge Father"
Urgathoa "Pallid Princess"
  Zon-Kuthon “Midnight Lord”

Lesser gods

Milani "Everbloom" 

Elven gods

  Findeladlara “The Guiding Hand”   Ketephys “The Hunter”   Yuelral “The Wise”    

Dwarven gods

  Angradd “The Forge-Fire”   Bolka “The Golden Gift”   Dranngvit “The Debt Minder”   Droskar “The Dark Smith”   Folgrit “The Watchful Mother”   Grundinnar “The Peacemaker”   Kols “The Oathkeeper”   Magrim “The Taskmaster”   Trudd “The Mighty”

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