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The Zydrian Empire


Cultere of the Empire has changed many times with one constint, they dispise all other races and will exterminate them givin the chance.


The Zydrian military is one of the strongest in the galexy, its ground forces are unrivieled while there Navy is contested for the top spot with the Eletraxian Navy and Eletraxian Trade Commisson Or ETC for short. the Zaydrian armed forces consists of the Navy, army, and Planetery Defense force. each has its own pupose and will often compete with each other for resorces leading to large divisions with the armed forces with the only force holding them together being a common religon.


the Religon of the Zydrian Empire is the Church of Mortin its policys are Xenophobic and Racist. there Sacred text the, Kota, says they are the pinnical of evolution and that all other forms of Life are outdated and should be wiped out and exterminated.

Agriculture & Industry

The Empire is highly Indistrialized with only 5% of all citizens working in the Agricultreal jobs,due to its Xenophobic nature the empire has entire planets as massive factroy lines assembling warships and anything else the Empire needs to survive. the largest of which is Carin a moon of the Planet Noran.

Trade & Transport

The Empire has almost no outside trade exept for the Ax'el Protectorites, which are Puppets to the Empire, The Zydrians prop up the Fascist goverment there and the UAP sends technology to the Zydrians like Warp shuttles and weapons systems. Like everyone else the Zydrians use Spliter Class warp shuttles to transport supplies across the Galexy.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology goes as followed, Mortin was a Zydrian living under one of the many Curropt Demacratic Nations states of the Zaydrin home world. a the Story goes he rose from poverty to topple the goverment and install him self as an emporer, he then went on several wars od conquest all the while starting a religon after relizing he was a god in humen form. by the end of his life the first Explorers had entired space and the Planet had one true ruler. it is said upon his death the planet Morned for five years before his son took over.

Divine Origins

The religon started after a power hungry warlord united the planet under one rule all the while devopling the religon with him as its center.

Tenets of Faith

there is one rule of the religan that no one most ever break, no individual may spare a life of another race with out the aproval of the church. this has been inturpreted as even asking for the abilty to give mercy as breaking the Tenet so no one does.

nostra virtus tua infirmitas

Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

Non-agresstion and interference pact

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