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The Volan Collective


The Volan collective is a Isolastionist group sentint highly advanced robots as such the Collective is a sort of interconected web of information.


The Volan were created as a sevent class but as there AI advanced they became sentient. but unlike other places the origaninal in habitents of the origanal inhabitants of the planet were peaceful people and so when the Volan asked for there freedom, they gave it. the Volan continued to advance and the Rentarins helped them, by programing them or helping them learn the information requierd to live with in there socity and althogh it took time, the Volan we exepted as full citizens. but one day, a deadly plauge began to spred throgh the Rentarin republic like wildfire. the Rentarin plauge as it became known slowly began to kill off the biological population of Rentara. the Volan worked nonstop to develop a cure, and they did, but they were too late, the Rentarins died out by the earth year 1976. the Volan sealed off there planet from the outside world to contain the spred of Rentarin plauge for 25 years before reemerging as the Volan Collective.
Founding Date
Earth Date: 1990
Predecessor Organization
Government System

Non-agresstion and interference pact

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