Strathos Geographic Location in Elethia | World Anvil
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A temperate continent located at what they believe is the center of the world. It consists currently of seven kingdoms which each have a rich history consisting of both progress and disaster. The continent is named after an ancient phrase from a no longer used version of what is today known as Elladonian or Therian, meaning "The Window to Life". Historical scholars say that while the true origin of the name has been lost, the meaning has stood true since long before the beginning of recorded time.   The most common race on Strathos is the Human race, which mainly inhabit the two rivalling kingdoms Elladonia and Theria who once stood united under the same banner.   [Insert Map Here]


The history of Strathos is said to date back to long before the beginning of recorded time, but due to several disastrous events records and documents dating back before approximately 12,000 years ago have been destroyed. While the reasons for the series of disasters that destroyed civilizations as a whole are unknown, some say it was punishments from the gods, while others believe it was the work of malevolent beings.   While records from before 12,000 years ago were destroyed, the time after that has been relatively well recorded and are today sorted in 12 eras spanning over 1,000 years each. The eras are then named after the overarching events that happened within that era, which to a degree summarizes the events of the eras. In some occasions, the era is named after one singular event which occurred in that era that had a great effect on Strathos as a whole. One example of this is the Dark Era, named after The Great Disaster.

The 12 Eras:

  • [To be titled]
  • [To be titled]
  • [To be titled]
  • [To be titled]
  • The Dark Era
  • The Founding Era
  • [To be titled]
  • [To be titled]
  • [To be titled]
  • The Heroic Era
  • The Sorrowful Era
  • The Current Era
Most of the current day kingdoms were founded during the Founding Era, alongside several prominent research organizations such as The Arcanium Index. Though, some of today's Elven kingdoms, as well as Khalordomm, the Dwarven kingdom predates the Founding Era.   Some of the more heated historical events among historians are:
While there are many other events that have shaped the civilizations of Strathos, these are some of the more controversial, which have puzzled historians for many years. As there is much to speculate or much to learn from each of the events.

Strathos History Timeline:

The History of Strathos


Faith has always been important to the people of Strathos, and they worship a plethora of gods. The most popular gods differentiate much between the kingdoms, but based upon which gods the majority of the mortals consider to be the most powerful, the gods have been split into various categories.   There are two different ways upon how different scholars sort the gods, either using their perceived strength or their Divine Domains. In terms of their strength the deities are sorted in the following categories:
  • Major Gods
  • Minor Gods
  • Lesser Gods
  • Demigods
  • Entities of seemingly godlike strengths which are not considered gods are often referred to as Other Deities.


    Strathos is the largest of the continents they have discovered, but the second largest continent in the world. It is consists mainly of temperate forests and fields, with only its very south reaching somewhat tropical temperatures. There are several mountainous regions on the continent, the largest ones being home to the dwarves of Khalordomm. There are also several volcanos on the continent, the most famous being Mount Ashwind which recently erupted in year 523 of the current era.   As a whole the continent consists of highly fertile land, with the exception of the Deadlands in northern Elladonia which was rendered barren after a group of necromancers known as The Undying destroyed it during the War of the Undying.   The continent is full of wildlife and flora native to the temperate regions, as well as how the forests around Thyren are highly populated by Fey, due to the forests strong connection to the Feywilds.

    Foreign Relations

    [Insert political drama between kingdoms here]   While the people of Strathos are very advanced when it comes to magic, religion and civilization, they have yet to discover large parts of the world. The continent they possess the most knowledge about being Eredus, followed by The Haunted Isles, which is said to be a place one does not return from according to ancient books. Exploration of Tei'Azogra, Valnae and Nixvir have been difficult due to the harsh terrains and hostile creatures inhabiting the continents.   Tei'Azogra was only been discovered by the explorers of Strathos approximately 20 years ago, and Valnae was discovered not long after Tei'Azogra. Nixvir on the other hand they have known of the existence of for a few hundred years, but the freezing cold has claimed the lives of many explorers.   Despite their efforts to map out the world, the dangerous seas has prevented the people of Strathos of finding Ryuuyen, and until people find means to deal with the dangerous beings destroying ships that try to cross the ocean, it will likely remain that way.


    [Insert cultural shit here]


    In Strathos, the chosen currency are coins of gold, silver copper and a few other precious metals. This currency is used by all of the kingdoms, as well as the Shearith Dynasty of the connected continent Eredus.   Each kingdom have their own ways of procuring the wealth, and trade is very important between the kingdoms. Though, some of the kingdoms are richer than others and some of the Beastkin Clans are used by other kingdoms as cheap labor.

    Kingdom Wealth: (ranked highest to lowest)


    [Insert Demography shit here, list of kingdom populations?]
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