Samael The God of Chaos and Madness Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Samael The God of Chaos and Madness

The god of Chaos and Madness who has pledged to spread Chaos througout the planes of existence. He is known to be cruel and chaotic, and some call him a being of pure chaotic energy. His followers are unpredictable and rash, one can never know when they will appear or what they have planned. He is a violent god who is feared across the lands, said to spread death and madness where he goes.  

Personal History

Before Samael ascended he was a family man. He was married to a woman named Tarinnia and had two daughters named Sarina and Inka. When he was given the The Blessing of The Goddess of Creation he did not want it. When he questioned her why she wanted to give it to him she answered: "You have a kind heart, I am sure you will use the blessing for something wonderful.". None of this felt right to Samael. He did not feel worthy, he was no hero. He was a simple man that wanted a simple life. All he wanted was to be happy with his family.   When rumors spread of him recieving the blessing, people were confused why he did not head out into the world to make it a better place like Ellania The Goddess of Creation instructed. They accused him of being a terrible person, said he should be better than this, otherwise he would not have been chosen. People began throwing him distrustful looks and began treating him differently. Some of the more fanatic followers of Ellania even openly announced him a sinner and traitor to the great goddess.
The more time passed, the worse the accusations got. When word spread of the actions of the great Miriam, Aelius and Allenia etc, people ridiculed Samael for not using the blessing like the others. Despite his blessing he had no great deeds to his name, he had not even tried, and therefore he was a failure.   Eventually the townsfolk started targeting his family with the abuse and accusations as well, causing them to leave town. They settled on their own a few miles out from civilization. Samael built their home with his own hands and for the first time he used the blessing that had caused him so much trouble. Cast out from civilization he needed a way to keep his family alive, and that is just what he did. He was weak, but the little power he had was enough. At least that is what I thought; until The Seekers of the Blessing stood at his door. They wanted to know how they could aquire said blessing for themselves and questioned him on why he was chosen. Samael asked them to leave and after much trouble they did.   The next morning Samael woke up in a dungeon. The man infront of him explained that him and his family had been drugged in their sleep and if he did not cooperate, his family would suffer. Samael told The Seekers everything he knew but it was not enough. Piece by piece his family was returned to him. First a finger belonging to his eldest daughter, then the eye of his youngest daughter. No matter what he told them they did not stop. Months passed in that dungeon and Samael's mind was slowly deteriorating. One night Samael finally snapped when the man tossed the head of his wife at his feet.   When he was tossed in the dungeon, he had for the first time in his life he had felt truly powerless. He had not practiced enough with his gift to even break free from the chains that kept him in place. But at that moment, all he could feel was rage. Another month passed in that dungeon, but Samael never once stopped plotting his revenge. Though the one he sought revenge against was not The Seekers of the Blessing or his old town. It was Ellania. In his mind, it was not a blessing she had given him. It was a curse. He swore to inflict the same pain he felt onto her. A month later, The Seekers of the Blessing was taken down with the combined forced of Allenia, Sopheia and Naariel. The one who opened the door to his cell was none other than Allenia herself who swiftly cut his chains from a distance without even looking at him. Searching the dungeons he found the bodies of his two daughters and his wife, cut up like cattle. He swore to show the world what this pain felt like, and he swore to himself that he would find a way to kill the seemingly immortal Ellania, even if it killed him.

Aizrith and the Sisters of Chaos

In his search for ways to kill Ellania The Goddess of Creation, he sought out the most ancient of beings he knew of. A woman known as Aizrith The Barren One who was said to have one of the first people brought to this world by Ellania herself. He personally went to see her and they struck a bargain; she would tell him what she knew and he would cure her infertility and bless her with a child. While he was rather disappointed with the information Aizrith gave him, Aizrith got more than she bargained for. She gave birth to Samael's four daughters, four separate beings of chaos. She named them Deidriana, Raliah, Agana and Morticia; and they all went on to make grand names for themselves.

Ellania's Disappearence

Thousands of years later Samael got his long awaited revenge. Unable to find a way to kill her he trapped Ellania The Goddess of Creation in a giant crystal orb filled with magical chains, preventing her from using magic to escape the orb. He then forced the crystal orb deep into the ocean through a small landmass, shattering the island. This created what is today known as The Haunted Isles. He instructed one of his followers, an ancient Kraken, named Zon'dal, Voice of the Deep to guard this crystal with his life. He terraformed the area around the crystal to create a gigantic cavern the Kraken could make his home and since then Ellania has remained trapped in that prison.

Divine Domains


Samael The God of Chaos and Madness


Towards Tarinnia



Towards Samael The God of Chaos and Madness

Samael The God of Chaos and Madness


Towards Aizrith The Barren One

Aizrith The Barren One


Towards Samael The God of Chaos and Madness

Divine Classification
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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