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The Kingdom of Silverlight

The Kingdom of Silverlight was born out of cautious necessity in the beginning of the False Age. Fearing the absence of the Prime Deities' protection and potential expansive or aggressive neighbors, the houses Eadnere, Aelnore, Aster, and Turiz agreed to join territorial borders and name themselves in honor of the weapon (and god) that held back the legions of Lexodros, the Ruiner. Though the Kingdom would flourish under the unification of the four houses and their holdings during the first thousand years of the False Age, the introduction of the Tierysian Empire to Elix would pose an existential threat. While the Tierysians proposed a peaceful subjugation, the Kingdom of Silverlight, amongst others, would not relinquish control of their lands to a foreign usurper.

True to their origins, the Kingdom of Silverlight sent out messengers across Elix to raise a common war banner against the arcane-wielding would-be occupiers. While many would decline, out of fear, pacifism, or otherwise, others did answer the call. The Steinhar Empire , The Republic of Valgrad, The Empire of Ziyan , and The Sybaris Triumvirate, under the leadership of the Kingdom of Silverlight, formed the Alliance of Elix, a defensive force that sought to push the Tierysian invaders from their soil. Though many battles would be fought over the course of a few years, the Alliance eventually met its final demise at the siege of Leonov. With Tierysian rule solidified, the Kingdom surrendered. Out of cruelty, logic, or both, the Tierysian’s established the Crimson City, the Kingdom’s new capital and impressive seat of power, along the Irini Strait and planted the monarchy there—under close monitoring of Tierysian advisors and spies of course.

Though many rebellions were hatched in these lands, they came to a swift end, likely due to Tierysian presence throughout. While the status quo was maintained throughout the major houses and the lands, the Kingdom stagnated as the Tierysian Empire grew. In the final days of the Tierysian occupation, during the Threat for Existence, amidst chaos and divine carnage, it would be the young King Adan Aelnore, wielding Silverlight, who cast down the Tierysian overlords and rallied the armies of all the noble houses, great and small, to seek out every Tierysian soldier, servant, and spy and put them to the sword.

Though the Kingdom (House Aster specifically) would lose much to the Crystal Scar, it was free once again to rule itself without the threat of the Tierysian Empire or the Dark Ones. Since the Age of Rebirth, the Kingdom has enjoyed peace and prosperity, redefining their national identities and desires without foreign overlords. However, in the past few years, the Kingdom of Silverlight has seen much political turmoil in the past few years, starting with the deaths of King Marius Aelnore and Queen Isabella Aelnore (a Turiz) nearly four years ago. Their deaths left their young son, Phillipe, at only six years old, as the young ruler of the Kingdom. In reality, however, the Kingdom is governed by Lord Edouard Aelnore, the current Regent until King Phillipe comes of age.

The Crimson City

If it can be found in Elix, it can be found in the Crimson City.
— Elixian Proverb

Capital of the Kingdom of Silverlight, though often jokingly referred to as the capital of Elix as a whole, the Crimson City is home to just shy of one million inhabitants. Construction of the Crimson City began in 1222 BT, just eighteen years after the defeat of the Alliance of Elix. Though most initially scoffed at the idea of a Tierysian-built metropolis, come its completion in 1195 BT, roughly three decades later, the city rivaled any on Elix in both size and beauty. At the southernmost end of the city, bordering the Irini Strait and atop the tallest hill in the region, the Crimson Keep was built. Towering above the surrounding city and landscape, the keep is built of expertly chiseled Mirestone, a pure white stone that, when polished, shines as bright as a lighthouse. Unlike the rest of the city, the keep's roofs are topped with shingles that have been dyed a rich red color; therein, the keep and the city find their name. The ornate road leading up to the keep is lined with gardens, plazas, and rushing fountains, though those often go unnoticed by newcomers, for it is the two gargantuan copper statues, roughly four hundred feet tall, that flank to either side of the large walkway that steal most of the attention. Once carved to the likeness of great Tierysian leaders, they underwent serious modifications after the collapse of the Tierysian Empire. On the left now stands King Haleth Eadnere and on the right stands King Adan Aelnore. Though the keep itself is a bastion in its own right, very few people have the necessity or honor to venture within its deep and opulent halls.

Down the road from the keep's gates, atop the only other hill in the city, sits the Divine Hall, a massive temple complex devoted to all thirteen of the prime deities. Though the Tierysians were notorious for their dislike of worship of any deity, it is now common knowledge that they erected this temple to appease their religious subjects. Within the city exist four primary districts: Hightown, Commontown, Runner's End, and Rat's Nest. Outside the city, there is the Edgewalk, Holly's Green, and Eastpoint. Because of the city's size, each district bears its own microcosmic identity, culture, and way of life that varies drastically from one to another. True to the proverb, there is something for everyone within this massive city—good, bad, or indifferent.

House Eadnere

During the Age of Strife, the rolling grasslands of the Fenhelm Plains were home to many clans of humans and elves. Most powerful among them was the Eadnere clan. When Lexodros drove up his creations in a horde of orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins, the Eadnere clan, blessed by, the Grand Strategist, rallied the people of the plains to holy war against their northern neighbors. In their conflict, they found allies in the nomadic tribes of humans and half-orcs occupying the southern Dry Barens. For thousands of wars these conflicts lasted, with territorial boundaries shifting like the ebb and flow of waves on the shore. During these conflicts, it is said that the Silver Knight, wishing victory for their people, extracted the raw Essence of Aether from the world and delivered it to Emon, the Inspired Reveler, to craft a weapon capable of decimating Lexodros himself. The Silver Knight gifted this weapon to the leader of the people of Eadnere, calling it Silverlight. Despite such a divine weapon, the war would continue in stalemate, until it too faded alongside the slumbering Dark Ones and Prime Deities.

After the unification of the four houses under the Kingdom of Starlight, House Eadnere reconsolidated its power and benefited greatly from hundreds of years of holding the crown. While such would eventually pass due to a series of marriages to House Aelnore, the strength of House Eadnere cannot be understated. True to their history, even during Tierysian occupation, the people of Eadnere are known as fierce, intelligent, and loyal warriors, both in the martial and magical arts. The backbone of the kingdom’s army, the men and women of Eadnere contribute most to the military makeup of the nation, from footmen to generals.

House Eadnere is currently led by Lord Garwine Eadnere.

Cities & Locations

Eadrun: Placed atop a hill overlooking miles of flat plains and prairies, Eadrun, at its inception was a simple fort. Over the millenia, while the fort and home of the Eadnere family still stands, the flat plains that it oversees are now filled with neighborhoods, shops, and other structures. The lands surrounding the city walls sport numerous farms and pastures to support the population of Eadrun. True to their history, the people here still rely on the rearing and training of horses for use both in work and war. Numerous temples, shrines, and monuments dedicated to the Silver Knight dot the city, a constant reminder of their tumultuous origins.
  Fengrim: Fengrim, located along the major roadway connecting the northern section of the Kingdom to its capital, the Crimson City, Fengrim has blossomed into a city that rivals Eadrun. Fengrim is the home to the College of War, an institution that trains warriors and strategists and doubles as the largest temple dedicated to the Silver Knight. Many of Elix's greatest warriors and generals find their origins here. Because of the militaristic aspect of the city, it also hosts a large number of mercenary units which are available for hire by the highest bidder, though that is often the Kingdom itself. The outskirts of Fengrim, along the muddy coasts of the nearby Arran River, also support numerous large clay pits which feed the kilns of that city that produce various types of pottery, tiles, and bricks.
  Gamwell: Situated along the western border of the Kingdom and Eadneren territory, Gamwell's access to both the Witches Hollow and the fertile Maeru River provides its house and Kingdom with much. The Witches Hollow forest, teeming with life, though outside the territorial domain of the Kingdom, provides an abundance of furs and meats for the regular hunting troupes that frequent the area. While the Maeru provides another source of food for those of Gamwell, it is the riverside flora that Gamwell makes expert use of. Harvesting and extracting various abundant plants, Gamwell is one of the largest producers of dyes within Elix.
  Eomod: A massive fortress built into the side of the Morinfell Mountains, Eomod served as the site of a potential last stand during the Age of Strife. With a layered series of curtain walls, gatehouses, turrets, and a keep carved directly out of the mountainside, though untested, this fortress would be capable of resisting a siege for a significant amount of time. While Eomod is uninhabited, it does undergo yearly upkeep out of an abundance of caution.
  Baldor: Constructed in 205 AT, the fort of Baldor serves as the response to the encroaching threat of the Crystal Scar. Off limits to civilians save for the most critical of auxiliary support, Baldor serves as the base of operations for all patrols and monitoring of the Crystal Scar and nearby Witches Hollow by the Kingdom. Recently, the Ecclesial Order has sought permanent residence within the fortress to conduct their own operations. Despite such a request being rejected, the Order has continued its operations from the west, causing conflict between those of the Kingdom (particularly those manning fort Baldor) of the agents originating from the Verdant Council.

House Aelnore

The lands of Aelnore, the Great Basin, are marked by meandering tributaries, rich soil, and large expanses of flatland and greenery. These characteristics have lent themselves to the region's nickname: Elix's Breadbasket. It is said that, during the Age of Strife, Yhona, The Green Mother, frequently defended the life of the region against onslaughts brought by Iona, the Mistress of Blight. The fertile landscape and lush flora are attributed to her ancient presence here.

True to the region's nickname, the House Aelnore produces a majority of the continent's basic foodstuffs. Its proximity to other nations via land and sea enable the Kingdom to maintain a healthy source of income exporting agricultural needs to other nations (especially the mercantile powerhouse that is The Artill Unison) within Elix and even across the Teal Ocean to the nations of The Shattered Continent . Despite its wealthy status, House Aelnore has always maintained a relatively small standing army, due in large part to Yhona’s protection. So, when the gods fell into slumber, the proposal of unification of the four great houses of southern Elix was welcomed greatly by the humble house. Today, House Aelnore is known for being highly diplomatic and generally amicable, preferring dialogue to conflict. Well into the Age of Rebirth, the many commoners of the kingdom are quite pleased that the house known for peace and diplomacy currently possesses the Crimson Crown and Silverlight. Yet, despite their apparent pacifism, the house is renowned for their masterwork bows and crossbows and the sharpshooters they produce.

House Aelnore is currently led by Lord Remy Aelnore, the son of Lord Edouard Aelnore, the current Regent.

Cities & Locations

Lakerest: Lakerest, the House’s capital, is a continental marvel and known even beyond the coasts of Elix. Surrounded on three sides by water, the city is afforded natural protection that is only exemplified by its three-tiered wall design. Set on a basin of flat land, the beautifully dyed green tiles of the capital's buildings can be seen for miles, especially as they catch the sun's light. On the upper tier of the city exist noble housing, festival pavilions, administrative buildings, the royal palace, and a temple complex dedicated to Yhona, The Green Mother, and Aldir, The Lightbringer. The middle tier of the city is largely dedicated to trade and business, housing a large number of merchants and tradespeople along with their businesses and workshops. The lower tier of the city hosts a majority of the population, who drastically range in status and profession. A burgeoning population has seen various neighborhoods erected outside the city, challenging existing engineers and rulers to develop and manage plans to handle expansion. During the Trial of Existence, Yhona visited the then-small city of Lakerest and planted a seed in its center. Since then, the seed has blossomed into a massive tree, which produces a strange purple fruit during the first week of summer. The scarcity and legends surrounding this fruit have made it an international delicacy, one which is closely regulated by the high clergy of Yhona.

Riverest: The House’s largest and primary port, Riverest sees an overwhelming majority of the house’s imports and exports. Though maritime travel and shipping becomes dangerous on the eastern coast of Elix and beyond, the house’s and city's proximity to The Sybaris Triumvirate provide a distinct element of safety. The port of Riverest itself hosts a sizable armada of armed ships from the Triumvirate, which operate on contract to escort and guard the house’s vessels along more dangerous trade routes, especially against the threat posed by The Drowned . Riverest also sees a large number of trade vessels from The Artill Unison.

Goldengrove & Greengrove: These twin cities exist as the primary agricultural producers for the house and Kingdom. Settled on either side of Attlestall Lake and with various tributaries, creeks, and streams cut through the lands, the cities of Greengrove and Goldengrove remain well irrigated year-round. However, a region well irrigated is also prone to disastrous flooding, resulting in an interesting and noteworthy design aesthetic between the two cities. Most permanent structures within the two cities exist on stilts to coexist with variable water levels of the surrounding area. More interesting are the "floating neighborhoods" that exist in the larger bodies of water that settle, making them completely inaccessible by foot. While other communities may struggle with such ecological obstacles, the cities of Greengrove and Goldengrove have adapted effortlessly, utilizing small boats more often than land vehicles for local travel and shipping.

House Aster

Shrouded by hills and forest, the people of southern Elix enjoyed relative peace throughout the Age of Strife. Though they faced raids from roaming servants of the Dark Ones, they did not face such existential threats as those from the Dry Barrens to the north. Master woodworkers and stonecutters, the tribal families of the south quickly established small, defensible hamlets and villages. Therein, they worshiped Evra, the Paved Way, who blessed the lands with solid stone by which to build structures and lively forests to hunt and forage. The Aster tribe, residing in the city now called Rimemire, having reaped the boons of such a divine gift, quickly rose in power amongst the southern tribes. Long before the tribes of the neighboring regions unified, House Aster consolidated their authority in the lands of forest and hill.

Having already developed amicable relations with their northerly and easterly neighbors, House Aster gladly accepted the invitation for the formal establishment of a combined nation. Though they were initially disgruntled by the idea of House Eadnere claiming kingship of the kingdom, House Aster ceded any claims, realizing their infrastructure and the wealth it would generate, would rival the authority of whoever dons Silverlight. Today, the house maintains their fame as master craftsmen, primarily in woodwork and stonework; it was, after all, those of House Aster that were called upon by the Tierysian Empire to design and build the Crimson City during the occupation. While the house would maintain status quo during the occupation, and continue to grow afterwards, they did face a tremendous setback when, in 204 AT, an ominous comet crashed into Aster territory, creating the Crystal Scar , which severed the city of Arcadis from the kingdom, causing its eventual abandoning. Though they've made no significant progress so far, House Aster still strives to conquer the threat posed by the anomalous Crystal Scar and regain their lost territory.

House Aster is currently led by Lord Arno Aster.

Cities & Locations

Rimemire: Nestled between the Amnurflow River, the Bonedrift Bay, and rocky bluffs, Rimemire has always enjoyed relative safety and prosperity. The city found its success through the numerous quarries established east of the city. The limestone bluffs here are made of a pristinely white and solid stone, nicknamed Mirestone, that House Aster and the Kingdom use in all their official constructions. Under Tierysian occupation, it was their decision to exclusively use this type of stone in the construction of the Crimson City, giving the city its pristine appearance. The city of Rimemire itself looks like a chiseled gem situated against its green and lush environs. The city itself is surrounded in thick walls that are easily defendable, while the rest of the city, constructed from beautiful Mirestone and scattered with beautiful gardens and parks, provides a picturesque view. Besides the many shrines and temples dedicated to Evra, Rimemire is also home to one of the largest temples to Henir, which hosts a large contingence of artists and guilds whose artistic creations are sought after internationally.
  Starmeadow: Starmeadow, once a simple village located within a forest's clearing, has blossomed into Elix's largest timber markets. While the city also produces all the goods associated with their location, such as meat, fur, and foragables, their ability to produce large amounts of lumber is unrivaled. Many druids and clerics of both Cyril and Yhona work closely with the woodcutting guilds of the city to assure that felled forests are properly scattered with saplings so as to promote a proper cycle of regrowth. The city's structures sport a beautiful blend of Mirestone imported from Rimemire and local lumber, which has been expertly treated and, in many cases, otherwise styled or decorated. Proximity to the Crystal Scar has caused increased limitations on timber operations as well as the construction of new walls and towers set west of the city.
  Clearfall: Set along the Idolflow River, where the lands still run flat and fertile, Clearfall is home to miles and miles of apple orchards and barley, hops, and wheat fields. A vast majority of these crops are funneled into the many breweries of the small city, which are then mostly exported throughout the Kingdom, though most of it only makes a short journey to the Crimson City, where it is quickly consumed. While this small city doesn't have much as far as a local attraction or marvel, the many travelers that pass through this area treat such as an opportunity to sample dozens of different brews and ciders.
  Bonedrift: A small town composed of haphazardly constructed piers and abodes, seemingly crafted from repurposed sea vessels, atop rugged shores, Bonedrift can be dangerous for the unaccustomed. The town is gruff in both appearance and lifestyle, which formed after the collapse of Arcadis due to the Crystal Scar. Bonedrift is primarily comprised of fishermen and fishmongers, though, because of its isolated location, is also home to more unsavory types and an unlikely black market of various goods.

House Turiz

Similar to those of the Fenhelm Plains, the people of the southern Dry Barrens faced a similar struggle in the Age of Strife, embroiled in conflict with denizens led by Lexodros. While those of the Fenhelm were embraced by the Silver Knight, the people of this arid region found safety in Phimos, the Twinned Moons. Under the light of the two moons, Eyora and Suvora, Phimos taught her people, nomadic at this time, how to seek shelter in the darkness and avoid detection. Though they would eventually assist those of the Fenhelm Plains in the war against Lexodros and his legions, the people of this region were master scouts, trappers, poisoners, and saboteurs. Assisted by the blessings of Phimos, those of the southern Dry Barrens would routinely infiltrate enemy lines to rig traps and wreak havoc, weakening the forces of Lexodros before a push by the tribes of the Fenhelm Plains.

Though the war (and Phimos) would eventually fade entirely come the end of the Age of Strife, the people of this region would continue their worship of the Twinned Moons and practice her teachings. Upon the unification of southern Elix under the Kingdom of Silverlight, it was the House Turiz, a group devout priests, clerics, and teachers, that would unify the nomadic tribes in the Dry Barrens and establish permanent cities. True to their history, House Turiz today still maintains their specialty in subterfuge, both martial and political. This region of Elix, though dry and arid, is one that produces a number of rare and unique herbs, both for cooking and medicinal uses. Even under Tierysian rule, those of House Turiz were feared for their ability to disrupt their overlord’s wishes and escape the ramifications for such. Today, though the house is small, those that bear the family name are respected fiercely, for they know the competence of a Turiz hidden by the moons’ light.

House Turiz is currently led by Lady Sofia Turiz.

Cities & Locations

Exeter: Now resembling the modern cities of Elix, Exeter was once located almost entirely underground to provide safety from both the heat and the dangerous hordes of Lexodros. While the old city still exists within natural and manmade caverns beneath the rock and sands, most of it has since been transformed into fashionable shops, taverns, and spas; an ancient temple to Phimos still stands in a large pit cave under the city. Topside, many of the structures and walls of Exeter are carved of a hardened, tan sandstone inlaid with reinforcing wood. While such buildings would otherwise blend into the surrounding landscape, the people of Exeter, considering themselves a lively and animated group, have utilized various vibrant dyes to decorate the city in tapestries, flags, pergolas, and umbrellas. Exeter is quite unique in that it houses famous banks whose sole purpose is storing magical items of those that are venturing northward, through Ziyan territory, who would otherwise confiscate and likely destroy such. The city itself has a diverse market and while they don't have a monopoly on any industry, they produce a sizable amount of gold, silver, salt, gypsum, and various other unique reagents that can only be found in this region.
  Cirrane: Situated on the edge of the Madras River, Cirrane has long provided the agricultural needs of House Turiz and the region. Miles of irrigated lands support hardy desert and plains crops that feed not only the city of Cirrane, but the other cities of Turizian lands. Along the shores of the Madras River and the oases north of the city, specialized cultivators gather rare desert and River herbs that are unique to the Dry Barrens area. These herbs often serve as the rare ingredients of powerful potions, dangerous poisons, and mighty rituals, thus netting House Turiz, and the Kingdom at large, a potent source of income. In addition to the rare herbs, Cirrane sports a rather large and odd market of various bestial and monstrous parts used in all manner of practices from spellweaving to cooking delicacies.
  Azmar: Famous for their leatherworked goods and tanneries, Azmar is also home to a large population of hunters. While other nations have access to furs and leathers, the people of Azmar focus their hunts on the raptors, children of Uzotl, of the Dry Barrens. Though the more docile variety of these raptors are tamable, the variety that nests along the hot cliffs at the base of the Morinfell Mountains are particularly dangerous and aggressive, making them suitable targets for the hunters of Azmar. The leather they produce is sought after by both locals and foreigners; the former finds use in their heat-repellant qualities while the latter often desires such as a status symbol or conversation piece.
  Stratham: A small town set where the Madras River flows into the Maeru, Stratham was founded due to the silver deposits found within the nearby deserts. Though the amount hasn't warranted a population boom within the town, its commerce and production sustains the existing population. Because of these mines, many of the craftsmen in Stratham specialize in the creation of ornate jewelry and tableware.
Political Map of Elix


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