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The Republic of Valgrad

Mortals have existed in the frozen north since the gods began creating life. However, during the Age of Strife, their enemies were not divine oppressors or their warped, humanoid creations. They were the frigid temperatures and the beasts that called this arctic region home. The people of these lands unified out of necessity, to trade what little they could hunt or forage. It wasn't until the Age of Strife, when divine battles and wanton uses of power created the Arcane Web, that these mortals could carve something of so little. Many began learning and bending newly-found arcane powers to mold earth and create fire, the cornerstones of any civilization. It is during this time, when buildings and walls arose that Evra, the Paved Way, herself visited the Valgrad and whispered divine inspirations into the ears of the most adept arcanists in their ranks. This blessing, accompanied by their seeming safety from the wars of the Age of Strife and the Trial for Existence, allowed the young nation to blossom.

It was only when the Tierysian Empire made landfall on Elix did the Republic face true danger. The people of the Valgrad were the first to answer The Kingdom of Silverlight's call to assemble forces and rebuff the Tierysian invaders; many would remark that the artificers of Valgrad felt threatened by the sheer progress of the Tierysian Empire. Having lost a series of battles throughout the Great War, the Republic proposed that the Alliance stage an incredible defense of the Valgradian city of Leonov, its premiere city dedicated to studying the arcane and artificing. It was here, where the alliance would be crushed in magical hellfire and bombardment along with the city. While the republic's artificers would learn some from their new Tierysian overlords, it was clear the latter was not keen on sharing a majority of their knowledge. Nonethless, those of the Valgrad continued in their studies and tinkering, until the final days of the Age of Strife and the Trial for Existence. With their magical creations keeping their citizens safe from the onslaught of the awakened Dark Ones, the Republic allowed each and every Tierysian to flee peacefully, for they understood the truth of these lands: only Valgrad survives the cold.

With a backdrop of the unforgiving and harsh taiga of the north, the people of the Valgrad stand as a beacon of warmth and ambition in the current era. Adept elementalists, mages of the Republic have harnessed the weave to facilitate life, craft, and trade. The region is also host to a growing community of artificers and tinkerers seeking to tame the cold north through practical and magical engineering. Having suffered serious losses and vassalage to the Old Eminence after the Great War, the current Aspirant, Elya Slivkin, seeks to realize old and dormant dreams to solidify and grow their status on an international scale. The Republic of Valgrad, due to historical alliances and robust trade and research agreements, maintain a close and intimate relationship with their easterly neighbor, The Steinhar Empire.

Cities & Locations

Valgrad: Though snow covers the surrounding lands of Valgrad, the interior of the Republic’s capital resembles that of a southern kingdom. Magically engineered crystalline structures dot the cityscape, maintaining a temperate environment even in the harshest of winter nights. The glow lamps also support a modest complex of underground farms to supplement winter food supplies. Valgrad hosts the continent's largest temple complex dedicated to Evra, The Paved Way, and is home to the Sanctum of Fire, a collection of scholars, innovators, and practitioners of the arcane arts. The Sanctum of Fire, though theoretically independent, works so closely with the Republic's government, the two have become nearly synonymous, especially considering the current Aspirant's previous role as the leader of the Sanctum. Though the Sanctum's inventions are sought internationally, the courts of the Republic closely regulate their technological exports.
  Brezky: Brezky, the Republic's second largest city, houses an impressive ice-water port at the mouth of the Whitewater Sea. Home to many merchants, sailors, and tradespeople, Brezky serves as the only port with direct access to The Frozen Spine. Historically, as ice begins to thaw in the late spring, the Republic was able to navigate dangerous icy canals throughout the summer to export and import goods via the sea, significantly reducing the time and costs associated with trade. Recently, with the help of the Sanctum of Fire and at the direction of Aspirant Elya, an armada of magically infused ice-breaker ships has recently deployed from Brezky. These revolutionary innovations have theoretically granted the Republic year-round access to a stable maritime trade route, creating tensions with The Artill Unison, who otherwise dominate maritime trade.
  Renov: Formerly a small town of no national significance, Renov has blossomed into something far greater in the past century. The Sanctum of Fire, having seen success with their glow lamp inventions in Valgrad, expanded their usage to Renov. While the region's cold temperatures prevented sizable agricultural growth throughout most of the year, the wet climate and fertile soil were otherwise suitable. Establishing a network of glow lamps in the outskirts of Renov has enabled the Republic to sow and reap harvests year round, ending their dependence on foreign food imports. Renov additionally serves as the gateway city not only to the Republic, but the north in its entirety. Because of this, it sees a great many travelers and traders seeking refuge from the elements before continuing on to their destinations.
  Girany: Girany sits at the easternmost expanse of the Republic’s borders and serves as the only safe land route by which the Steinhar Empire can access the rest of the continent. Though the city has yet to be equipped with the Sanctum of Fire’s magical creations, the denizens of Girany find survival in the abundant aquatic life found under the surface of the nearby Iskrin Lake. The Ecclesial Order has established a sizeable outpost here, seconded only by their headquarters in The Verdant Council , which is tasked with overseeing the study and eradication of twisted monsters and undead that plague the Pallid Expanse.
Political Map of Elix