
Capital of Samakar

Shensig, or the "City of the Mountains", is both the largest city in Samakar and its capital.   Surrounded on all sides by the seven sacred mountains associated with the Anzeru, Shensig is built on, and out of, a mesa comprised almost entirely of dolerite. That large rock rises in the middle of a lake that is the junction of four rivers. On the southwest and southeast sides past the mesa, the river cascades down to a series of three smaller pools until forming one solid river that heads south.   Shensig itself is atop this mesa, with seven massive bridges carved out of natural rock that spans the distance between the mesa and the rich farmland of the narrow valley formed by the seven sacred mountains. The main districts of Shensig are on the mesa itself. These are devoted to government activity, either that for the city os Shensig, or for the region of Samakar.   Trade is handled in the sprawling Copper Bazaar with its labyrinthine cobblestone market streets covered by sturdy tarps of multiple colors are also located in the center of Shensig. In fact, aside from the temples in the Fountains of the Faithful district or the government areas, the Copper Bazaar is sometimes called the "Heart of Shensig" for its propensity to be the best - and most accurate - source of news.   Outer districts, which are more for living quarters, are carved out of the rock bridges and rise as towers that have a slight 'mountain' or 'stalagmite' shape with a wide base and a more narrow top.  




  The majority of the population of Shensig are elves. Most are the Samakarii people, but other ethnicities are represented as well. Beyond that, there are Vustia humans and goblins that occupy the waterfall districts in the south of Shensig. Vustians make up approximately 20% of the city's population.


  • Samakar Region
    The region in and around Samakar

Articles under Shensig

Cover image: by CB Ash