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42 Meloragift 4520: The Boat Ride to Confluence

Arkomir writes...  

A Boat Ride to Confluence

  We wake early and have some breakfast in the tavern. We settle our gear ready for travel and Skotgrida is hovering around protectively this morning. She has a particular energy about her that I have seen before battle. We are letting people know that we are leaving this morning so that is the story around town. A family comes into the tavern that is heading to Confluence by boat and we arrange passage with them.   We say our goodbyes (of which there are many) and make our way to the docks. I have a chat with Dharra's parents before we leave saying that we will look after eachother on this trip. Skotgrida also comes down to say goodbye and has a chat with Dharra. She tells Dharra that Boulderfoot is not just a family name but also a knickname. She warns us that we may not be as welcome in the mountains as a result of this. We make our way down to the boat and get ourselves set for the journey. The horses seem settled enough and we get going.   During our trip Dharra keeps herself busy writing and sketching and playing. She plays for all of us at night and makes Silvio dance and run around for our travelling partners. I spend my days doing some balance training and getting myself really attuned to my new weapon and also rereading my Corellon primer, using meditation to get the connection to Corellon nice and strong. I also investigate Katya's longbow to make sure I am fully attuned to this as well.   I use my meditation to play the fight back in my mind when I first encountered the T sigil and the first Hobgoblin...   He was wearing less armour than all other hobgoblins I have met since. He used magic, much like the Eldritch blast that Dharra uses. I remember running him through with my sword and as I did, the sigil stopped emanating light, turning from a wound into a scar. Katya appeared beside me with a serious look on her face. She told me that Pharrom had fallen during the fight. This affects me a bit more now than it did at the time. My feud with Pharrom now seems petty and childish. If I could play this fight over again I would hope that a different outcome would be possible. I do remember a dream where I saw Katya - huddled in a tree in the rain.   Owen and Josephine anchor the boat for the night and we all take a rest after we set up a watch...


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