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9 Erathisway 4520: The Journey East Begins

Arkomir writes...  

The Journey East Begins

  We make our way down in the morning and breakfast is ready for us. Finore brings the three horses around for us, including Katya's mare, Shadowdancer. I have a chat with all three horses and then we mount up and head off via the Eastbank Gate. As we head out the gate we hear a voice in our heads wishing us well, it is Isadora and she wishes us well and to look after Katya as well. Pretty soon we find ourselves on the Beltway heading east.   At about lunchtime, we see in the distance two men leading two lines of horses. We hear a screech overhead, and a wide shadow, possibly two, flicks across the road in front of us. Looking up we see 6 griffons circling, heading for the two guys with the horses. Katya fires and we attract the attention of at least one of them. We battle our way through these 6 griffons, although one escapes with one horse. Katya falls during the fight, but we manage to get to her in time. Dharra heals up a halfling who was injured during the fight so that he is stable enough to travel. We help to calm the horses and make sure that people are stabilised and ok to travel. Before we get the guys on their way, we quiz them about the griffons and they have not seen them attack in such numbers before, one or two perhaps. We bid them farewell and a speedy trip back to Confluence.   Once they leave, we investigate the griffon remains. During the fight, a number of the larger griffons exuded a cold sensation either from a scream, or from a cut. The cold sensation is particular to a mountain griffon. The two large griffons have a silvery, icy sheen to their talons and their tongues are an almost whitish blue and bifurcated. I harvest some talons (well, four feet really). The smaller griffons are starting to lose thicker plumage. We take a short rest whilst we do our investigations.   After lunch we mount up and keep heading on to Havensbridge. The road has a number of merchants and messengers on it, but we keep mostly to ourselves. In the late afternoon, we start to enter a forested area, with houses sprinkled here and there. As the sun starts to go down, we finally alight on Havensbridge. We find ourselves at a fine looking stone tavern called Halfway Haven. We make our way to the stables area to the side of the tavern and a Half-Orc named Jonas greets us, and helps us stable our horses and we head inside. Inside, the tavern is a bit of a strange layout, and appears to have been built up over time. There are some rooms to rent downstairs that seem like self contained areas, with beds, a fireplace and seating. There may be some of those upstairs as well, along with more dorm type areas.   We are greeted in the tap room by Lila who arranges a room for us downstairs and we set up there. We leave Katya in the room for a bit and wander out in the tap room to have a look around. Dharra plays a set, and the night passes without incident. We talk to some of the other inhabitants of the tavern, but no one else has had griffon problems per se. We send a mesage to Funi telling her of todays fight with the griffons. She sends a message back to us saying she is glad everyone is ok, or at least it sounds like Funi. She adds that she is speaking to Pozohr.   Dharra casts Tiny Hut in our room and we all turn in for a long rest.


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