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Darin's Fall

Darin's Fall is largely a mining settlement. Originally founded on a small hollow at the end of a valley on the @Kordway hills where a series of caves and fissures showed some promise for having precious minerals and metals.

Eventually the whole area was mined extensively, opening a wide section of the hillside into essentially a large cavern. This now houses over half of the town of Darin's Fall. This means much of the town is perpetually in shadow and almost all the town is made of the rock that has been hollowed out to create it.

The town itself is named for one of the founders, Darin Argentdelver who first found promising signs of silver being in the hills at the end of a long cleft into the hills at the edge of a huge shelf of rock that dropped into a massive cavern below. A surely fatal drop that Darin almost fell into. But, he eventually navigated to find actual silver in the caverns below.

The place in the town where the edge of the hillside is directly above the town is known as The Lip or the Between.


The population is dominated pretty evenly by Dwarves and Gnomes. A smattering of Humans, Tieflings, Halflings and even a few Goliaths and Dragonborn can also be found.


The village is nestled in a tight, high walled valley and has a thirty to forty foot wall that runs across the norther end of the village, from one steep wall of the valley to the other.

There is a central main gate and a series of functional and sally ports that are very secure.

Industry & Trade

The major industry of Darin's Fall is mining, and the subsequent refinement or smelting of the metals and minerals extracted from the mines beneath Darin's Fall.

A small industry also exists in creating a variety of goods from the metals produced by the mines.

Points of interest

The Glowing Crucible is near the centre of town, right under the between. The inn itself is three stories high and comprises many smaller areas, private rooms of various types and rooms for rent as well as a large communal drinking and dining area. The Inn is named for the many smelting or burning off works in the town.

Esme's is a small store on the northeast part of town. Esme Klodberest is the proprietor who inherited the store and was taught her skills from her father. She has mentioned that once her father had a romance or an infatuation with an Elven woman. Apparently he spoke of it at times after the death of her mother. Esme creates amulets, idols and other trinkets from various metals. She often creates her own molds which she carves from wax or wood and then uses a process to create a reverse mold then a functional mold. She then cleans and finishes the items.

Natural Resources

Silver, Copper, Tin, Lime, and various grades of stone are pulled from the mines here. These are either worked into goods of various sorts here or traded in raw form with other settlements.

Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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