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The Principality of Khurabil.


Khurabil is primarily a Human country, and human ruled. But, it has a strong presence of other species. Primarily Gnomes and Halflings, that live more or less among humans but sometimes in their own enclaves or areas.

It is bordered to the south by Foresthome (which is the Elven name for the vast forest there), sometimes called The Green Swath by the non-elven inhabitants of Khurabil.

On the west are the Earthspine Mountains, home to many Dwarven settlements. Goliaths can also often be found roaming the upper reaches of the mountains.

A series of islands called Melora's Tears lie in the seas off the northern coast and are claimed by Khurabil, but they are lightly governed at best.

Port Zaram lies on the northern shores of Westmarch. A strong river, Kathaz, flows to it, fed by many waters originating from the Earthspine and many flowing through Foresthome.

Confluence is the regional captial of Westmarch and sits roughly in the centre of the region surrounded by a more or less circular arrangement of villages on a road that runs through them and circles Confluence. This is colloqually called The Rim. Confluence is named for the several watercourses that converge there and become the Kathaz proper.

Villages on The Rim include Riverfall, Ethiss, Rotheside, Whisperfield, Pineheights, and Stoneshadow.


The current rules is Prince Trevain Feshad Khurabil. He resides in Port Zaram, which is the national captial.

The Principality is divided into three electorates: Westmarch, Middenwald, and Esterreach. Each is ruled by an Elector responsible for the governing of their area under the direction of the Prince.



The Prince of Khurabil rules the the whole principality.

Immediately below the Prince in rank are the Electors. There is one Elector for each major region, Westmarch, Middenwald, and Esterreach. When questions of succession arise, it is the Electors that have the responsibility to resolve them. Presumably with consultation with the gods. Electors also govern their own regions.

Within each Electorate, each larger region is governed by a Lord Advocate. Lord Advocates are supposed to advocate for the people of their region to the Elector and to the Prince. They also have responsibility to appoint certain local positions, either directly or through overseeing some sort of election process. This would include positions such as Judges, Mayors, or Generals. However, these can vary from region to region.

Strength from Unity


  • Khurabil and surrounds


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