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Answer and Ambush

Life, Death

25/2 19:00
25/2 20:00

Kezahr of Belhaim had met with Funi of Confluence this day to talk about their similar roles in the respective governments and communities. It appears Kezahr also sought some magical training from Funi, recognising her relative ability. Thus, they were together when word of the undead attack on Confluence reached them, and they responded together. They moved from Funi's apartment in The Crown toward the southern wall of the city.

Just outside the crown they were ambushed by some forces that have been identified to be part of The Quiet Hand as well as others as yet unidentified. Thanks to Funi insisting earlier in the day that Kezahr attune to a staff she had, Kezahr was able to get away from the conflict once it was clear they woud likely not survive and Funi insisted she leave. Kezahr was then able to use a Scroll to return herself and Fafnir to the Tower of Belhaim. There she found Esward Moulton and The LightBringers, and was able to quickly tell them what had befallen her and Funi.

The Lightbringers were able to summon their ally Luna and gather Esabel Chantry from The Lonely Forest and travel very quickly with Luna's magic to Rapid Spray Park in Confluence which was near the ambush. Once they arrived they saw members of the Town Guard trying to evacuate locals from the area. On sighting the small sqaure where the ambush had taken place, The LightBringers saw a few recently animated dead and a dark shadowy figure speaking to and embracing the corpse of Funi which had now been transformed into a corrupted undead of the woman she had been. The shadowy figure left and The LightBringers and their allies eventually defeated the undead that the figure left behind. Though they were gravely injured by the fight and a large deathly trap that had also been left.

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