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Cleansing the Steelfist Mine


The Lightbringers and their companions wake early and take breakfast in Glade's Tower. And concoct a plan to deal with the noises behind the seal door in the old Steelfist settlement. With some reconnaissance they discover a mine governed by a huge Orc Smith worshipper of Gruumsh and peopled by Orcs, Ogres, and a group of captives pressed into service in the mine.

Some of the Orcs and a Half-Elf woman are seen leaving the mine, so the group decides to ambush them to reduce forces and learn more. The Lightbringers, Essa and Kezahr go to do so and defeat the Orcs handily. This introduces them to Ashyr Van'aelir who gives them some more information on the workings of the mine and disposition of forces and captives.

Coordinating with the other group of Isadora, Thicoul, and Katya a plan of attack is established and the Lightbringers begin to sneak into the mine and let the captives know what is about to happen so they can make themselves safe. Soon a fight ensues with the Ogres and Orcs caught in an attack from two sides. The captives are able to seek safety near a door at the centre of the mine where a ghostly visage of Brak appears to some during the fighting. Eventually the Orcs and the Smith that leads them are defeated and the captives gather, all more or less well. Two Half-Orcs are also found who were sons of the Smith but had no love for him and struggle to understand the freedom they are now granted.

Behind the mysterious door the crypts of the Steelfist Settlement is found and explored. The companions then return to the Tower to explore more there, reviewing the top level and the rooftop structure and the strange images it holds after Thicoul assists in destroying the remaining Perytons.

Isadora and Thicoul leave a while later, taking Katya with them as per the agreement. She serves Mirellion now.

The Lightbringers spend the rest of the day exploring the tower and dealing with the captives. Eventually, they all decide to return to Belhaim. Kezahr, however, heads to Confluence via a scroll and note that Pozohr had sent her.

Related Location
Verdant Isle
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LightBringers chronicle