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Alo (Ay-low)

The people who live in Alo are numerous, but spread far and wide, for they are largely nomadic. They call themselves Alona, but have different tribes and regions which they belong to.   The Alona are often of slightly darker skin and hair, and eye colour ranges from golden to brown to grey, but rarely blue or green.   The Alona speak Quechwa , as well as common, but also the dialect based on their tribe (which is also named after the tribe). There are also special rites and stories told to Only girls or only boys. Anyone born of 2 genders is given a special position as the Talekeeper and they are their clan’s storyteller and keeper of records.  

The Tribes of the Alo

Aquene Alona: The Yellow Eagle
The Aquene Alona prefer the mountains and the rocky hills of the south, and are vicious warriors, but also the best healers.  
Chitto Alona: The Grey Wolf
Some of the forest dwelling Alona, their home grounds are central Alo to further north, they follow where the forests go.  
Elsu Alona: The White Owl
The Elsu Alona specifically live in redwood forests, up amongst the trees. They have actually created a special glider that brings them from tree to tree. And despite their secluded location, they are the most open to travel and trade.  
Igasho Alona: The Red Buffalo
They are known as the growers, the Alona who, if given a seed, will return you a field. They’re almost completely vegetarian, except for festival days where they slaughter a buffalo or two for sacrifices.  
Mitexi Alona: The Brown Bear
The Mitexi Alona live furthest north, in the mountains and forests where it often snows. They consider bears their protectors and friends, and their capital is built around a waterfall-river system that supports many of the bears in the region.    

Notable Cities in Alo:

  There are actually only 5 major cities in the entirety of the Alo Territories. Each ruled by an elected Chief. The leaders are voted in by members of all clans but each city has specific rules that only members of That specific clan can run for Chief.  


  The capital of the Aquene Alona, a city built into the mountains that line the south of the Alo Territories. Also guarded by thunderbirds and rocs, though the sacrifices given are cattle rather than actual people.  


  The capital for the Mitexi Alona, built by the northern river systems, bridging over a waterfall that actually feeds many bears.  


  The capital of the Chitto Alona. Built in the clearing of a forest.  


  The capital for the Igasho Alona, built on a series of hills. A farming capital, largely vegetarian.  


  The capital for the Elsu Alona, built into the trees of a redwood forest.


The capital city of Alo.  


Mishigami - the only port town on the eastern edge of the Alo lands, run by 5 representatives. One from each clan.
Wetumka - the only port town on the western side. The ports towns trade mostly with each other, though sometimes the supplies and goods are brought to the other villages and towns within Alo lands.

The Deities of the Alo

The Alo believe in the Nakino, guardians of the sacred lands they call home. Doing extensive and unnecessary damage to nature is considered the greatest of taboos and perpetrators are often expelled from Alona society altogether.


Alo's lands are vast and varied, with mountains to the south and southwest and the prairies in the middle. The Sesha river snakes through from the northeast. The land is also dotted with forests and hills.

Localized Phenomena

There are many monsters and large beasts that roam through Alo, sometimes causing problems for the settlements that exist.   These large monsters are not usually found elsewhere in Elyria and the Alona have two guilds that deal with the hunting and scavenging of monster and creature parts for crafting: the Alo Hunters’ Guild and the Alo Crafters’ Guild.
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Related Myths


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