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The capital for the Elsu Alona, built into the trees of a redwood forest. The people here often use gliders and a series of pulleys and ziplines to move around. There are also vine-bridges that connect the upper levels of the city.


Ciccaba is shaped like a thick V and it is divided into 3 main districts and 7 sub-districts.   

The Shrubs

The main city that people see, it's a town built of pale grey wood and stone, accented with the orange-tinted wood of the trees above. The city is largely fenced off with spiked walls on the ground, and sentries that look out from the branches above. The Shrubs is where some of the main marketplaces are, and people often come down to mingle and be amongst the crowds. A number of the poorer folk live in The Shrubs too, or in the trees beneath the Understorey.   
Zea District 
The main market square in Ciccaba, it's the original town before Ciccaba grew. It was renamed Zea Dsitrict when the majority of the population started moving into the trees. Zea market is now the largest market in the city, but it's maintained pretty good prices for its products.   
Eudico District
The entertainment distrct, there are many a brothel here, as well as gambling and smoking houses, but also maybe unsurprisingly it's where many artists stay. It's possible to find some really well crafted items here, and the ocassional magic item if you have a discerning eye.   
Phaseo District
The secondary market district. Snaps Market is located here, it's the one that has more premium products but of course sold at premium prices.  

The Understorey

This is a largly residential area. There are some inns within the Understorey that cater to tourists and visitors, but they tend to be slightly pricier. They do offer a nice view out to the town below though. There are also some platforms built up into the Understorey that house more of the stores and marketplaces (though these are also the more expensive ones).  
Trillium Sector
Trillium (or simply called Trill) is where many of the inns are in the Understorey, one of the most popular is the Pink Sorrel Cabaret, which has nightly performances and pretty good food. They also have rooms upstairs for the folk who wish to stay.   
Coralroot Sector
Coralroot is the shopping district, many lovely things can be bought here from beautifully woven rugs to pottery.   
Sierra Sector
Sierra is where more of the upper-middle income reside in.  
Lupine Sector
Lupine houses more of the lower-middle to middle income folks.   

The Canopy

The canopy is where the wealthy and the higher ranking people within Ciccaba reside. It's where many of the government buildings are. The Talekeepers' Manor and the Chief's Manor are also located here.
Location under


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