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The only major port town on the eastern edge of the Alo lands, run by 5 representatives, called the Council of Elders.   Mishigami, being the most cosmopolitan Alona city, is the most open to the outside world. Many people from all over Elyria come here to reside, and find life here quite peaceful. The population is largely pescatarian, relying on the fresh seafood of the surrounding bay, the fertile open fields of the north and west, and the imports from foreign lands.


Mishigami is governed by the Council of Elders, some of the more experienced and generally older members of the community, and each council member is from each of the Alo clans. The Councilors generally have equal say in all issues of governance, though some clan leaders are more well known for their special interests.   

Yellow Eagle Councilor

Councilor Ayashe Tiponi, a aasimar woman. She is a tall and stocky woman with a gentle nature. 

Grey Wolf Councilor

Councilor Howakah, a tiefling man. He is most concerned with the balance of civilisation and nature. Most people think he is the wisest when it comes to issues regarding descration of the lands. 

White Owl Councilor

Chief Justice and the wisest of the Council, Lady Miana Kathres. An old elven woman with tanned skin and grey hair braided with feathers. She has held this position for over 150 years, Court consists of 3 other women: Qihana Dawnshadow, an elf, Chu'a Hollowbranch, a halfling, and Tuali Nekoma, a human.   

Red Buffalo Councilor

Councilor Nokomis Silverclaw, a dwarf woman. Well versed in agriculture of the land above and below. She cares deeply for the welfare of the people, and is the most open with trade. 

Brown Bear Councilor

Councilor Wema Napayashni, a halfling man of great character. A protector and paternal figure for his people. He is very wary of exporting Alona craft, despite knowing that in all the time that this council has ruled, there have been little to no breaches of secrets or any stolen tradespeople. Still, he holds a pretty tight leash on what the local craftspeople can export out.


The buildings of Mishigami are done in a very classically Alona style, but with some influence from the Yana Inti. With energy for the city largely drawing from natural sources instead of magical means. It's common to see windmills and waterwheels here. Many of their buildings are built from mud brick and stone. In square step pyramids with open roofs covered with canvas for shade.    The buildings are often decorated with the symbols of the clan that each family hails from, but being near the coast, it's also common to see shell mosaics and driftwood used as decor.


The city itself is shaped roughly like a thick crescent. With the Propitious Bay to the east and southeast, and the Fields of Plenty to the north and west. The Three Sisters Highway leads out of the city from two points; from the west, cutting through the farmlands, or from the southwest.   


The port district, where the Propitous Bay is located. The port district is well known for its taverns and the occasional brothel. But also for its fresh seafood and beautiful pearl shops. Oysters grow readily in this part of the bay, and there is a thriving pearl-jeweller and diving industry here.   The Bay is split into 3 main sections, Chapa Port at the northern side, Wenasa Port in the middle and Doli Port at the sourthern end. 


The central trade and guild district of the city. Many of the governing administrative buildings are found here too. 


A residential district, largely for the farmers who live within the city and have land nearest to the city bounds. 


The craft district, nearest to Goga-cho, many guild artisans set up shop within this district. 


Another residential district, but smaller and wealthier. Many of the people who stay here are actually expatriates from other lands.
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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