Acting governs the art of being able to impersonate and convey a completely different character, whether in a staged performance or in a social situation. The actor portrays a personality and mannerisms different to his own in a convincing manner. Coupled with the Disguise and Deceit skills, this is a powerful way of becoming someone else entirely. An Acting roll is needed when it is essential to perform convincingly: on stage, for eaxmple, or attempting to pass oneself off as another person.
A critical success is thorouhgly convincing. In a performance context it guarantees a standing ovation or similar. In a social context then the actor is the character they portray. It also means that any subsequent skill roll, such as Deceit, Influence, or similar, is one difficulty grade easier.
Failed rolls signify a lackluster performance.
Fumbling an Acting roll means the performance convinces no-one, and is so bad that even the most unperceptive will see through the act, or perhaps worse, laugh and jeer.
Professional Skill
Base Skill Value: CHA x2