Ritilak Fugasa, winner of Tri-Star Publishers Book of the Year Award for five years running, stuns readers again with his extensive and thorough research into the history of Emaniquora. He details events from the Great Tragedy on the fields of Arnsholdi over 500 years ago to more recent events such as the elevation of Estor Pator to the head of the Council of Six as our newest High Chancellor. A more factual telling is not to be found anywhere else. Don't believe us? Read the reviews: "I approve of Ritilak Fagasa's writings, inside and out." - High Chancellor Estor Pator "This should be mandatory reading for all Emanii children. They won't receive a better education on our history anywhere else." - Vrux Hordu, Lead Editor of The Emaniquora Herald "Three stars. A must read for all ages and ancestries."" - Roda Phada, Mayor of Lorisen