Session 1 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 1 Report

General Summary

On April 1st, 496 AV, seven youths were whisked away from around Velen, finding themselves trapped in bags of holding. This ordeal lasted about an hour or two before they were rescued by Haymin Stone in West Andaria, just outside the Sleeping Wolf Inn. Haymin Stone was aided by Sergeant Kole and several of West Andaria's city guards, plus two wizards, Cantlin and Uclar, in defeating a Tenthite slave ring that was responsible for capturing the youths.   Haymin took the youths inside the Sleeping Wolf Inn for introductions and some lunch. He also made them an offer to join his adventurers' guild, Heroes for Hire, in Rowadin. After some discussion, all the youths agreed, each being on their own in some way or another, and looking for direction. Before traveling to Rowadin, however, Haymin revealed that he had an important matter to attend to, a quest of great importance, the details of which he would not divulge. Therefore, he planned on taking the youths to Karavale and leave them in the care of a friend of his until he returned for them. The wizards, Cantlin and Uclar would teleport Haymin and the youths to Tall Rock, Oathendale. From there, Haymin would lead the youths to Karavale, on foot.   In Tall Rock, Titta Morco suggested they see the famed tall rock in the center of the city. The party did so and then set off on the road before losing more daylight.   They traveled for days along the road. On the way, Haymin instructed the youths in several lessons spanning a variety of subjects, such as swordplay, wilderness survival, monster lore, and history. Then on April 5th, a group of bandits, known as the Red Sashes, accosted the party at the fork splitting the road between Karavale and Rowadin.   A short banter between Marak Quinaro and Haymin followed in which the bandit leader demanded that Haymin drop his weapons and informed them all that they would be recruiting the youths into the Red Sashes. Haymin instructed the youths not to struggle before turning invisible and running away. The bandits shot towards the empty footprints in the dirt as they led into the forest. With Haymin gone, the bandits took the youths captive.   The youths were taken towards the mountains to the Red Sashes' camp and locked in an empty wooden wagon. They overheard Marak tell his men not to feed the youths for days and wait for them to beg to join the Red Sashes...
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Player Journals
Rescued!! Wait...nope, captured again... 4/1-5/496 AV by Titta Morco
Report Date
28 Apr 2020


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