Session 11 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 11 Report

General Summary

For the next couple days, the party trained and sparred under instruction from Haymin Stone, focusing on weapon combat. On the morning of June 21, 496 AV, Valorous Day, they partook in the festivities around town, enjoying the street food while watching a reenactment of the Battle of York put on by the House of the Holy Triumvirate. The rest of the day, they spent working at the Home Away From Home, the inn experiencing larger crowds due to the numerous holiday visitors.   That evening, the party learned that Haymin did not drink alcohol after Mogi Delvin noticed him drinking water. After being questioned about it, Haymin claimed that his drinking led to the death of a friend. His story went that 20 years ago, Haymin rushed out in a drunken stupor with his friend in tow after hearing word of a green dragon sighted near Rowadin. His friend was killed by the dragon. Haymin survived. Their party broke up afterwards. Haymin never encountered this green dragon again.   On the morning of June 22, 496 AV, Haymin received a message through the magical journal he carried. He stated that Mr. King had a copy of this same journal. Whenever something was written in either one, it was copied over to the duplicate, allowing them to communicate directly with one another through writing. As a result of this message, Haymin left Karavale immediately after lunch, heading back to Rowadin for the next phase of his quest.   The next weekend, the party visited Quelkin, the apothecary, at his shop. Selia Roselyn Maxwell questioned him about his wizarding background and inquired as to his disposition towards taking on an apprentice. After a discussion on the subject, she, as well as Auren Sylynn, expressed interest in training as wizards. Quelkin expressed how training as a wizard required serious commitment and urged them to think about it, considering their full time jobs. Then he lent them two books to read as primers into the Mystic Arts, Introduction to the Mystic Arts and Basic Wizardry.   Before they left, he asked them if they were still interested in gathering components for him, recollecting a conversation they had had months prior. Haymin’s Heroes said they were still interested. They agreed to return on Saturday for further information.   They then spent the rest of the day reading Introduction to the Mystic Arts allowed at the site where they usually spar and train. Most of the party listened, curious to learn something about the use of magic. When they returned to the inn, they spoke with Jenivar Albyn about taking off a few days so they could do this component gathering job for Quelkin. She agreed to giving them three days off next week. Then they brought up Selia and Auren’s desire to train under Quelkin as wizards. After some discussion and obvious reluctance from Jenivar, she agreed to discuss it with Quelkin before agreeing to anything. However, she admitted that Selia was free to pursue this if she wanted to, since her father had paid for her stay at the Home Away From Home through the remainder of the year.   On Tuesday, June 27, 496 AV, the party visited the general store to purchase supplies in expectation of their journey out towards the High Hills the following weekend. An excitement and anticipation was growing for their upcoming outing, a chance for them to set off on their own for a few days in the wilderness. Though they were just to gather some herbs and plants, they would at least be paid for it.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
28 Jul 2020


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