Session 120 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 120 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell began enchanting magic items for the party on January 18, 500 AV. She spent weeks working on their wish list. The rest of the party spent their time in various ways, some resting, some training, and some training other guild members.   On February 13, 500 AV, Arnell Devons came to Heroes for Hire to speak with Haymin’s Heroes. He had heard of their work in Kainan versus the Unseen and the Black Requiem. From what he’d heard, the Unseen was now under the leadership of Idarin Black with the Black Requiem destroyed.   Arnell also spoke of news of the Doom Bringers. Rumors spoke of a major event planned for Valorous Day that year in June. However, it was unclear where this event would take place. Several cities were potential targets, including Rowadin and various cities in Kainan. With York being the birthplace of Viribus, God of Valor, it was a likely location for the Doom Bringers’ nefarious plans. According to sages, there would be a solar eclipse on Valorous Day, and eclipses were often considered dark omens. It was not known yet what the Doom Bringers had planned, but it was still known that their ultimate goal was to release the Great Beast.   On March 22, 500 AV, Savion Winter of the Order of the Cleansing Flame came to Heroes for Hire. He told the party that the Order had learned of Beldryss’ current hideout. Sailors spoke of an evil undead menace in the Pirate Isles. There was an island that the pirates avoided and would not go near. The Order knew better than to attack her until her phylactery was destroyed. And they knew eliminating Auren Sylynn would be counterproductive, while his Clone was in her possession. They told him that Brother Lu of Church promised to destroy the phylactery, severing the connection with Auren’s bloodline. Savion urged them to get that done as quickly as possible, as more people suffered everyday Beldryss, the Mother of Bones was alive.   After Savion left, the party discussed going to visit Brother Lu. They decided they would go the next day. They contacted Traegandar who had been away for some time. He told them he would not be back by then as he was busy conducting some research.   On the morning of March 23, 500 AV, the party teleported to Church. They went to the Temple of Truth and waited the majority of the day in the long line. Finally, early that evening, they were admitted to speak with Brother Lu. They asked him about the task they were to do for him in order for him to break the phylactery. He told them that time was coming soon, but they should wait for Traegandar to return. The dragon had an important task for the party to perform as well. After they did this favor for Traegandar, Brother Lu would be in contact for his task.   They spoke for a while longer, the party asking him questions. Brother Lu provided some straight answers, and some vague. They were treated to a brief lesson of the creation of the universe. They learned of the Creator, the three Overgods, and the root of all evil, the angel named Satan. They asked about the Doom Bringers’ plans on Valorous Day and Brother Lu told them they should remain in Rowadin, where they would be needed most. When they asked him about the Great Beast still trapped behind Terra’s Wall, Brother Lu said the wards around Clades’ Wrath had been brought down and that the Heart of Embril had been taken.   He explained how the Black Requiem had traded the Ring of Ruin for The Grimoire of Lost Souls. Now Asmodeus possessed the Heart of Embril and had taken it to Nessus, the ninth layer in the Hells of Baator. Asmodeus planned to use it as a focus to summon the gods of Embril to his domain where he could destroy them all in one fell stroke. If Haymin’s Heroes wanted to stop this from happening, they would have to go to Nessus and retrieve the Heart of Embril before Asmodeus succeeded. Luckily, they had some time as it would take Asmodeus some time to weave the magic necessary and prepare the Heart of Embril for this task.   Brother Lu also told them that the Black Requiem was still alive. The phylactery they had destroyed was a fake.   On April 13, 500 AV, Traegandar finally returned to Rowadin. He called a meeting with the party and requested to hire them for a task. He wanted them to help him kill Grymith, the Wicked, the ancient red dragon that had killed his parents exactly a year ago. He had been spending the last few weeks locating Grymith’s lair. He had narrowed it down to the northern most peak of the Orgron Mountains, overlooking Blacktooth Gap. Somewhere on that mountain was his lair, and most of the creatures in the area were the red dragon’s minions. Traegandar offered the party Grymith’s treasure hoard as payment, but stating he wanted an equal share to start a hoard of his own.   Haymin’s Heroes agreed immediately and they all began to plan their assault on Grymith, the Wicked.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
11 May 2023


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