Session 124 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 124 Report

General Summary

The rest of the party paused at Selia Roselyn Maxwell’s request as she cast a shaped, quickened Glitterdust on Grymith, the Wicked, followed by Limited Wish, which she used to cast Mass Fly on all of Haymin’s Heroes. As soon as she was done, they burst into action. Auren Sylynn rushed the dragon but his kukris were turned by magical protections. Mogi Delvin, upon Traegandar’s back, cast Orb of Cold at Grymith, but the spell seemed to have no effect. Then Traegandar fly up to Grymith, but the dragon caught him in its gaping maw, holding him still as he bit down. Mogi barely escaped the same fate. Ladigo Farthon rushed forward and cast Greater Dispel Magic on the ancient red dragon, fizzling several spells it had layered upon itself. Then Pyzar Zim flew around behind Grymith and attacked, the magical defenses that turned away Auren’s kukris now gone. The dragon grunted as the greatsword bashed him from behind.   Grymith retaliated by spitting out Traegandar and casting Prismatic Spray upon the majority of the party. Only Pyzar, who was behind it, Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, who was shielded by the cavern wall, and Pennig who had retreated into the cave were saved from the spell. Selia took some acid damage, leaving her further wounded, but the rest of the party resisted some of the potentially debilitating effects of the spell.   Titta Morco flew in with a desperate attack, evading a lunge by Grymith, but ended up missing and falling atop the pool of lava, catching on fire, though she was protected by Resist Energy. Still, she fought from prone and distracted the dragon while Kyrie flew up and struck it with Harm. This definitely got Grymith’s attention, causing the first visible wound.   Selia cast Greater Dispel Magic on Grymith, removing the last of his protective spells. Auren attacked, then Mogi. Ladigo cast Bombardment, slamming the dragon with falling boulders. Then Pyzar finished Grymith off with a deadly swipe of his greatsword. The dragon fell atop the lava, its weight heavy enough to start slowly sinking into the molten earth. Traegandar helped grab Grymith’s head and stretched the neck to make it reach the stone rim around the pool. Pyzar then started hacking at the neck to sever the head for a trophy.   When they were done, the party flew up to the final opening in the cavern wall. Beyond that they found Grymith’s lair and treasure hoard. Kyrie has already healed Selia with a couple of charges off the wand before letting the persistent Mass Lesser Vigor heal them all the rest of the way. Auren searched the lair for any traps, but found none. The party gathered all the treasure, which was scalding hot in this near inferno of a cavern. Luckily their protections against fire and the Endure Elements on each allowed them to handle the treasure without suffering damage.   After gathering it all, Selia used a series of Greater Teleport spells to teleport back and forth to Heroes for Hire, carrying the head, and a few party members at a time. Eventually, they were all home, in the basement, with all the treasure laid out with the head on top. Titta called Haymin Stone with a Sending Stone, asking him to come down to the basement. He came with Jenivar Albyn and were amazed by the mound of treasure and the giant dragon head atop it.   The party caught up with Haymin, Jenivar, Belpher Burrows, and Patch before they focused on counting their treasure and identifying the magic items they found.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
17 Jun 2023


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