Session 126 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 126 Report

General Summary

Thessalni took Haymin’s Heroes to Miren’s Fine Inn & Tavern in the Clerk’s Ward. Titta Morco rented four rooms and the party and the tout sat down at a table for lunch. They discussed what to do first and they decided to begin researching the return portal to Church.   After lunch, Thessalni took them to the Hall of Information where Titta purchased a map of Sigil and an informational booklet on the city. From there, they proceeded to the Hall of Records to ask about the portal to Embril. However, there was no record of it. Thessalni suggested going to Tivvum’s Antiquities, a gate key shop in the Market Ward next. However, it was getting late in the afternoon and it was miles away. They decided to go there tomorrow instead. For the rest of the afternoon, Thessalni would show them around Clerks Ward.   The next morning, on May 20, 500 AV, according to the Embrillian Calendar, they went to Tivvum’s Antiquities. The proprietor was known as the Curator, a man who Thessalni said had been around for at least a couple centuries. Thessalni asked him about the portal to Embril. The Curator knew about it. In fact, he knew of three portals from Embril. There was the one they had come through from Church. The information about the other two he sold to them for 50 gold pieces each, detailing where in Sigil they were located and where they came from. There was one in a well in the Market Ward that came from West Andaria, Kainan. And the other was located in the Lady’s Ward and came from Bransea, Goldcoast. However, he did not know if any of these portals could be used to return to Embril or if they required a gate key. That information had never been discovered. He offered to pay Haymin’s Heroes for such information, if they were to learn it.   Before they left, the Curator asked them about their rings whose powerful magic aura he had detected. Titta told him they were powerful artifacts created by the gods of Embril. She told him her ring gave her the power of flight and demonstrated the ability. The Curator asked if the rings were for sale. They told him they were not, though he repeatedly offered to buy them.   After they left Tivvum’s Antiquities, Titta asked Thessalni to take them back to the portal in the alley in Clerk’s Ward. She had some ideas she wanted to try. When they arrived, Titta began experimenting with various things. The Curator had told them that gate keys could be anything, from a physical object to a state of mind. She tried different things, as did others in the party. They used a map of Embril, coins, thoughts, even songs. Titta flew around the alley looking for words to press like they did on the archway in the Temple of Truth in Church. Auren Sylynn searched the alley as well, trying to find something hidden on the walls. Nothing they tried worked.   They then looked to see what the buildings on either side of the alley were. One of them was a bookstore. They entered the bookstore and spoke to the owner. He had owned this store for 25 years. Titta recalled that Brother Lu had said the portal appeared in the Temple of Truth 25 years go. They immediately began thinking there was some sort of connection. They began discussing the wording on the arch they used to activate the portal, “A journey whose path depends on another’s vision of where it ends.” The owner said that itt sounded like a riddle. Mogi Delvin suggested that the answer might be a story. There were several fiction books in the store and Mogi asked for one written by someone from Sigil. He was pointed to a book entitled Torment.   Mogi purchased the book and went back to the alley. He held it up as he went in. The portal then opened and the book disappeared. They could see it led back into the the Temple of Truth, back through the archway leading from the library. The party did not take the portal back; they were satisfied in learning how to activate it. It remained open for thirty seconds before closing again.   Their next order of business was to find a way to deliver the letter to the Lady of Pain.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
08 Jul 2023


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