Session 133 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 133 Report

General Summary

On June 7, 500 AV, a number of the crew of the Lucky Leviathan were nursing hangovers. Those who were not ran most of the errands and did most of the work on the ship as they restocked and made minor repairs. The pirate captains meeting was scheduled for mid afternoon. When it was time, Captain Trevian took Haymin’s Heroes to the Barmaid’s Chest where the meeting was to take place.   One captain began by speaking about the Black Ship and what had happened to the Kraken’s Kiss. Going to Port Scale, Zamilon, was brought up as one option of dealing with the problem. But the pirates knew the potential cost it might incur upon them. Then it was stated that Captain Trevian and the Lucky Leviathan wanted an opportunity to hunt the Black Ship before the pirates sought the aid of the dragons. Captain Trevian spoke about going to Church and meeting Brother Lu. He told them what the angel had said and how Haymin’s Heroes came to them. Some of the captains doubted some of the claims. Titta Morco spoke up and talked about Haymin’s Heroes having a personal connection to the lich and their own reasons for wanting to destroy her. Their deeds versus the Red Star Alliance were mentioned as were a number of other monsters they had faced. Captain Huxley spoke up about what had occurred the night before and how he had seen, first hand, the adventurers might. He gave his support to Captain Trevian and the Lucky Leviathan’s option.   Haymin’s Heroes were later asked to wait outside as the pirates took their vote. When Captain Trevian came out of the Barmaid’s Chest, he asked the party when they wanted to leave. They discussed the upcoming journey as they walked back to the ship.   Auren Sylynn suggested using a smoking fire to draw the attention of the Black Ship. The party purchased a cauldron in which to smoke wood and green foliage. Then they gathered wood and leaves from nearby trees outside of town. They spent hours doing so, wanting to collect a great amount so they could keep the signal fire going for days. Titta also contacted Haymin Stone via a Sending Stone, asking him to purchase some components for them at the Mystic Emporium in Rowadin and have them ready by tomorrow afternoon.   The next morning, on June 8, 500 AV, they continued collecting fuel for their fire while the crew prepared the ship to sail. After lunchtime, the ship departed Pearl. A few hours later, Selia Roselyn Maxwell used Greater Teleport to return to Rowadin and pick up the components and a portable wizard’s laboratory. She wished Patch a happy birthday on behalf of the party and told them at Heroes for Hire they would return soon. She cast Greater Teleport again to return to the Lucky Leviathan.   On June 9, 500 AV, Selia made another pair of Sending Stone using the components she had just picked up. The ship sailed on, heading east towards where they had encountered the Black Ship weeks ago, seeking the wreckage of the Kraken’s Kiss. With Ladigo Farthon using Control Weather, they had favorable winds the entire way. During most of the sunlight hours, either Titta or Mogi Delvin riding Traegandar flew patrols around the ship at about a half mile radius searching the sea for any sign of the Black Ship.   On June 10, 500 AV, they reached the remains of the Kraken’s Kiss. The crew was silent and somber as they sailed past. Later in the day, Titta cast Speak with Animals and approached a pod of dolphins swimming by. They told her they saw the Black Ship a couple of moons ago and pointed towards the east. On June 11, 500 AV, she cast it again in the morning and spoke with some more dolphins. They told her they saw the ship nearby. It was swimming underwater with a kraken.   Titta flew back to the ship and informed the party what she learned. Their patrols were now split between looking out over the sea as well as into the water for any sign of the ship or the kraken. Later, Titta saw the Black Ship far in the distance through a spyglass. She warned the others. Mogi, protected by Cloak of the Sea and Traegandar swam underwater. After a little while, they saw a dark shadow swim below them. It appeared to have an oblong shape and tentacles.   They flew out of the sea and rushed back to the Lucky Leviathan. The party began casting preparatory spells and kept scanning their surroundings. Suddenly, a massive whirlpool formed beneath the ship. It was caught, spinning as the crew struggled to keep the craft upright. Then the ship stopped moving and they saw huge tentacles wrapping around the bow. The maelstrom suddenly stopped and the Black Ship arose from the sea right next to the Lucky Leviathan.   A large number of undead, ghoulish creatures with some sort of large worms coming out of their eye sockets and mouths surrounded a death knight in black armor wielding a greatsword. There were also other creatures, six humanoids with metal grafted into their flesh like armor and weapons. There were also two larger ones, with armored plates grafted into their skin. But these held large greataxes.   Captain Trevian barked orders at his men. Ladigo began casting Fire Storm. Selia cast Haste on the majority of the party and then Great Thunderclap on most of the crew of the Black Ship. Though the undead could not be stunned or defeaned, most of them were knocked over by the spell. Some of the humanoid creatures were stunned, proving they were not undead. Then four massive tentacle-like arms arose from the sea and grabbed Ladigo and Selia, wrapping them with crushing force. Astelan and Jan of the Lucky Leviathan were also grabbed. The force of the kraken knocking them unconscious. Pyzar Zim attacked the arm grappling Selia. He cut through it, setting her free.   The majority of the crew ran downstairs to man the cannons. Auren tore through the tentacle arm holding Ladigo, freeing him. Then Titta cut through the one holding Astelan. His crushed and wounded body falling on the deck of the ship, barely clinging to life. The large humanoids jumped onto the ship. One of them was next to Titta and attacked her with its greataxe. Traegandar with Mogi on top breathed his fire catching the other ship. Mogi then cast Cone of Cold on the other ship, eliminating several of the wormridden undead. Some of the man-sized humanoids stood up and jumped to the Lucky Leviathan. The death knight lept onto the Lucky Leviathan as well and attacked Titta with his greatsword. Then Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Sunbeam, catching one of the humanoids and the death knight. She also cast a quickened Holy Smite on those still on the Black Ship, bringing some more of them down. And she used her Belt of Battle to cast Righteous Burst around her, damaging her enemies, while healing her allies. This felled the death knight and saved the lives of Astelan and Jan.   Ladigo’s spell was disrupted by the kraken’s attack, so he turned into a blink dog and teleported next to Captain Trevian. Then he stood up as he had been knocked prone when he was dropped by the kraken. Selia cast Glitterdust, blinding a couple of the enemy. Then the kraken arose from the sea and used its front tentacles to grab Titta and Pyzar, squeezing them with crushing force. A master of the greatsword, Pyzar managed to slash through the tentacle and set himself free. Auren then used his Transposer Cloak to swap places with Titta, freeing her. As the kraken’s grip tightened around empty air, Auren landed right next to it. Titta then killed two of the humanoids next to her.   Mogi cast Orb of Fire at the kraken, but the shot missed. Kyrie blasted it with a bolt of electricity from her active Stormrage spell, but the blast seemed to do little. Then Ladigo slammed the creature with a Bombardment spell. Selia also hit it with a Disintegrate, but this did not kill the creature. The kraken then submerged and they could see its dark shadow under the water swim away with great speed.   Only a handful of the undead remained on the Black Ship. They began steering the ship away as cannon blasts were tearing into it broadside. As the Black Ship started to get away, they saw it sinking into the sea, tilting portside from all the damage. It eventually sank, the worm filled undead left treading water. Kyrie flew over to them and used her turn undead ability to destroy those that remained.   When she returned to the ship, she healed all the crew and party that were wounded. She and Ladigo used some spells to fix any damaged on the Lucky Leviathan’s bow where the kraken had gripped it. The crew celebrated their victory, but Captain Trevian, who remained topside the entire battle looked somewhat somber. The party could tell he had noted how many of the undead were dressed as sailors, but he said nothing about it to his own crew.   When the repairs were done, they continued sailing, searching for the nearest island.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
21 Oct 2023


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