Session 137 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 137 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes awoke on June 15, 500 AV, to finish splitting the treasure from Beldryss’ Golden Vault. They decided what they would keep and what they would sell. They also talked about what they would do for the next six days, as the day of the eclipse was nearing.   They began by asking Jenivar Albyn if she could see what the Black Glove Society might have heard about what the Doom Bringers were planning. Then they went to visit Lady Dyora Albyn to warn her of the impending Doom Bringer Plot for Valorous Day. They told her of the Great Beast and recalled what they had learned of it in Clades’ Wrath. They told Dyora of how they had met Eruditio, God of Knowledge, who warned them that the wards of Terra’s Wall kept the Great Beast imprisoned within Clades’ Wrath. And they recounted how the monster had appeared, killed Merrywind Onyx, and all his henchmen, while Haymin’s Heroes fled. Lady Dyora thanked them for the information and told them to expect to hear from Captain Holcot. She asked them to learn as much as they could about the Doom Bringer plot while she saw to organizing the city’s defense.   The party went to the Magic Temple next and spoke with Amanaxis about the situation. They spoke of the Great Beast and how they believed the Doom Bringers might be trying to summon it in Rowadin. Amanaxis told them he would speak to his contacts to try to learn something as well.   Next they went to the Grim Forester in search of Arnell Devons. Coincidentally, he was just leaving the inn, going to seek them out at Heroes for Hire. After greeting them, they turned back to the inn to sit down and talk. The party learned that the Vigil of the Weather Eye has recently returned to the valley where Haymin’s Heroes had first encountered the Doom Bringers, but could find no trace of them there. Arnell did say that orcs had moved back into the caves in the valley. He also told them that the Vigil of the Weather Eye would continue to try to learn more about the Doom Bringers’ plot. Haymin’s Heroes said they would do the same. They promised to keep in touch in the coming days.   Haymin’s Heroes then returned to Heroes for hire. They considered their next move and were reminded of Madame Inness, the fortune teller who was secretly a member of the Doom Bringers. The party had been careful not to reveal to her that they knew about her allegiance to the Doom Bringers. They decided they would attempt to scry her. Perhaps they could track her down and learn something. It could be a promising lead. They began preparing the spell.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
09 Dec 2023


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