Session 142 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 142 Report

General Summary

Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone stepped closer, preparing to cast a spell. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the remainder of the party and also Mass Invisibility, which also included Kyrie. With the party invisible, the Doom Bringers did not notice them. They all moved into position around the ritual and Kyrie cast Blood to Water on the clerics and one of the wizards around the bound girls. The spell drained the spellcasters constitution, leaving them frail and sickly in an instant as the party suddenly became visible again, surprising the Doom Bringers at their sudden presence. Selia cast Great Thunderclap knocking several of them down and stunning them. Titta Morco attacked the nearest clerics, killing the weakened Nesheir Mesk and another Doom Bringer in two quick strokes of her scimitar. Fisher mauled one of the warriors. Pyzar Zim killed another of the clerics and Auren Sylynn killed yet another. Mogi Delvin rode in on Traegandar and told the remaining warriors to run away if they wished to live. The warriors did so.   With the battle over, Haymin’s Heroes freed the young women from their bonds and helped them stand up, leading them away from the carnage. The blood from the battle soaked into the ground like it had in the city in their previous fights that day. They felt tremors in the ground, stronger than any they had felt earlier. And these tremors continued and grew stronger still. Titta instructed Fisher to take the girls home and Ladigo Farthon instructed Pennig to accompany them. Auren gave them his Flying Carpet to ride on and follow the animals. As the tremors continued to increase in intensity, they got the girls on the carpet and started them moving.   By this point, the eclipse was full. The ground at the site of the battle suddenly erupted and out emerged the Great Beast.   Titta flew towards it and attacked. Her scimitars struck, but any knicks her blades seemed to leave on the monsters thick carapace healed over almost immediately. Ladigo then cast Reverse Gravity where the Great Beast stood. The gigantic monster flew up into the air and stopped when it reached approximately five hundred feet high. The beast oscillated in the air, consfused as to what was happening to it, and equally enraged. While the Great Beast floated high above, the party positioned themselves around the site on the ground. Selia cast Wall of Force right where it used to stand. Then, when they were all in position, Ladigo dismissed Reverse Gravity.   The Great Beast fell, slamming into the top of the Wall of Force and tumbling over hard on one side, sending tremors through the ground around it. Mogi cast Orb of Cold at the monster, causing it to roar in frustration. It stood up in response and bit Titta, who floated up to one side of it. She was caught in the monsters maw as it attempted to swallow her. Selia cast Benign Transposition, switching her and Pyzar. Pyzar managed to escape being caught in its teeth and prepared to fight it from the air. Auren attacked from behind, landing a critical strike that his Bodyfeeder fed off of and infused him with health. Still, he could see that most of his strikes were healing over quickly on the creature’s thick carapace. Kyrie cast Destruction, but she forgot she was on the other side of the Wall of Force, which blocked her spell.   As Titta, Auren, and Pyzar engaged the Great Beast in melee, Ladigo began casting Summon Elemental Monolith. Traegandar ran up to it with Mogi on his back, but the creature saw him coming and caught the dragon in its mouth, preparing to swallow him. Mogi luckily avoided the bite and fell to the ground about ten feet away. The Great Beast then swallowed Traegandar and attacked Auren with its horns, claws, and tail. Whatever health his Bodyfeeder weapon infused him with was taken away by the Great Beast’s powerful strikes. Auren was left wounded, but not as much as he would have been without the Bodyfeeder.   Selia then cast Wish to free Traegandar from the Great Beasts gizzard, placing the dragon next to Mogi. Stomach acid sizzled on Traegandar’s scales, but he was still alive. Kyrie attempted another Destruction spell, but the creature resisted the magic to her dismay. Titta, Auren, and Pyzar continued to attack the creature, leaving their mark, little by little. Ladigo’s earth elemental monolith appeared and began attacking as well with powerful fists. Then Ladigo immediately began summoning a second one. Mogi carefully maneuvered in, looking to avoid the creature’s blows. The Great Beast bit Pyzar, catching him in its mouth while preparing to swallow him. With its other attacks it focused on Auren, leaving him severely wounded. Selia then cast Sakkratar’s Triple Strike on Pyzar and the earth monolith, giving them the ability to produce faster strikes.   Kyrie then cast Miracle, hoping to turn the tide of the battle. She used the spell to cast Time Stop. With her magically enhanced speed, she maneuvered close and cast Righteous Wrath of the Faithful and Blessing of the Righteous on Pyzar and the earth monolith. From within the creatures mouth, Pyzar fought with his greatsword, causing the Great Beast to bleed. After Ladigo’s second summon spell completed, Titta, Mogi, Traegandar, Auren, Pyzar, and two earth monoliths surrounded the Great Beast. They all attacked, compounding the damage. Then Mogi landed the final blow that brought the Great Beast down. After if fell, Pyzar crawled out from between its teeth. But the creature’s wounds were healing rapidly before their eyes. They continued to attack it, keeping it down, preventing it from regaining consciousness. But they weren’t sure how to make sure it stayed down permanently. Then Kyrie suggested Selia Wish it dead. Selia did so and the Great Beast stopped healing and stopped moving.   Haymin’s Heroes caught their breath. They healed their wounded. They wanted to take trophies from the creature, teeth and claws. But they were so large they would not be able to carry them back to town. They decided to go back to the city and see about returning with a wagon.   In Rowadin, they saw the marks of the Doom Bringers’ senseless attacks. Smoke arose from places where recent fires had been put out. There were wounded here and there. But it appeared like the last of the Doom Bringers had been either captured or driven away. They found Captain Holcot and told him about what they had faced. He gathered a small group of guards and a wagon and accompanied the party back to the battlesite.   When they arrived, though, the Great Beast was missing. They also noted there was no blood, as if it had soaked into the ground like it had before. This worried them greatly and they speculated as to what this meant. They recalled speaking to Eruditio, God of Knowledge, when in Clades Wrath, and how the deity had told them that the creature could not be killed permanently, that its being was woven into the firmament of the world.   There were still signs that the creature was there, the large dirt mound that was left when it surfaced, enormous foot prints. The guards pulled the bodies of the dead Doom Bringers out from the dirt and loaded the corpses into the wagon. Captain Holcot wanted to identify them and possibly learn who else in the city might be a member of their evil cult.   Eventually, Haymin’s Heroes returned home. The three young girls were there, recovering from their ordeal. After the party arrived, Haymin took them to the city guard to see about getting them back to the caravan they had been traveling with. After a short rest, the party visited Trinity Hall so Kyrie could pay respects to Viribus, God of Valor, on their shared birthday. The rest of the evening, the party relaxed at Heroes for Hire, and enjoyed a finely cooked meal for Kyrie’s birthday, celebrating with friends.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
04 Mar 2024


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