Session 147 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 147 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Time Stop and cast some defensive spells on herself. Asmodeus, God of Sin, cast Hellfire Storm on the party and moved up to be adjacent to Titta Morco and Pyzar Zim. An aura around the devil threatened to overwhelm some of the party, but they all resisted the unnatural urge to obey him. Ladigo Farthon turned into a blink dog and teleported to the other side of the room. Then he began casting Summon Elemental Monolith. Titta tried to attack Asmodeus with her scimitars, but suddenly dropped to her knees and bowed down an insidious magical effect taking hold of her.   Pyzar fought through the effect and managed to attack the devil. He connected with a couple slashes of his greatsword and landed a critical blow to Asmodeus’ throat. Bleeding out, Asmodeus collapsed to the arena floor, the arena patrons gasping in awe. But suddenly, a pulse came from Asmodeus’ ruby rod and created a sphere of protection around him. From this sphere extended an anti-magic zone that prevented the party from casting spells or using their magic items.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone ran to the edge of the arena but could not find a space untouched by the anti-magic. Mogi Delvin attacked the magic barrier around Asmodeus to no effect. Auren Sylynn approached the barrier and said, “We accept your surrender.”   For several seconds, the magic of the rod worked on Asmodeus, and he eventually stood up, fully healed. Then the force barrier around him dropped. Brother Lu said, “Round two, fight!”   Ladigo began casting his spell again. Kyrie used her Belt of Battle and cast a few spells to buff their combat prowess. Pyzar attacked Asmodeus again, using his Bracers of Battle to boost his attack speed, landing several blows. Then Titta tried to attack again, but was again forced to bow down. Mogi attacked with his Holy Avenger and made Asmodeus bleed. Selia cast Greater Dispel Magic on the ruby rod, but her spell was unsuccessful. Then she cast Battle Hymn.   Asmodeus cast a quickened Hellfire on Mogi, Traegandar, and Pyzar before attacking Pyzar with his ruby rod. With two blows, he killed Pyzar, sending his body crumpling to the ground. Then he attacked Mogi, wounding him severely. Asmodeus’ aura overtook Traegandar, and the god commanded the dragon to flee to the other side of the arena.   When Auren tried to step up and attack, he bowed down just like Titta. Then the earth monolith appeared and pounded the god with his powerful fists. Ladigo teleported behind Mogi and cast Heal on him. Kyrie cast Revivify on Pyzar followed by a quickened Heal. Pyzar grabbed his greatsword and stood up, rejoining the attack. Titta managed to fight off the urge to bow down and stood up, taking her shots at Asmodeus. Unfortunately, with a wild swing, she slipped and fell prone again. As Traegandar began running away, Mogi jumped off and continued to fight. Selia cast Stand on Titta and attempted Greater Dispel Magic again, to no effect.   Asmodeus cast Mass Heal on himself and shot a quick burst of Hellfire. Then Auren managed to stand and attack. Haymin’s Heroes pressed the attack on Asmodeus, wounding him with each strike until Pyzar finally ran his greatsword through the god’s chest. Asmodeus fell dead and his ruby rod as well as his body crumbled. A pulse blew the dust across the arena, as well as a pungent scent of brimstone.   In his private box, Brother Lu applauded as the crowed cheered. Then the arena and all the fans disappeared. Haymin’s Heroes and Thessalni, were once again in Brother Lu’s conference room. Brother Lu congratulated them on their victory and produced the contract out of thin air when they asked about it. They also asked about the Heart of Embril, which he said they could keep.   They spoke for several minutes and the conversation moved to the Black Requiem and how they could find his phylactery. It was in a Golden Vault, but they would need to find a way in. Whoever owned the Golden Vault surely had backup keys. But they needed to figure out who the owner was. Brother Lu confirmed that it was the wealthiest mortal being on Embril. He gave them one guess, offering to confirm their suspicion if they guessed right. After a small discussion amongst themselves, Titta gave their guess: Razcaczar. Brother Lu confirmed they were correct. He told them they could negotiate with the dragon for the key, stating he would want the Ring of Accuity back. They could use that as a bargaining tool.   After finishing their conversation with Brother Lu, they took Thessalni around Church to show her around. She was amazed at the vastness of the sky and the sea, marveling at so much water. After a tour of the city, they took her to Rowadin. There, they introduced her to everyone at Heroes for Hire. They shared their story with Jenivar Albyn and Haymin Stone, showing him the Heart of Embril and discussed how to keep it safe. Then they proceeded to show Thessalni around Rowadin and purchased a Pearl of Speech for her to speak in Andarian.   They planned to spend a few days with her, acclimating her to Rowadin before venturing off to Zamilon to speak with Razcaczar. They could leave her with Haymin and the others while they finished their business with the Black Requiem. Once they were done and that chapter of their lives closed, they would return and show Thessalni all around Embril, visiting all their home towns.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
23 Apr 2024


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