Session 2 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 2 Report

General Summary

Locked within a wagon in the middle of a bandit camp in the northern foothills of the Lioden Peaks, the seven youths discussed their options and came up with a bold plan to perhaps improve their situation as they waited for a rescue by Haymin Stone. Waiting for the right time to put their plan into action, nature called, and they thought to test the waters by requesting an opportunity to relieve themselves. The bandits let them out, one at a time, and took them to a spot where they could do just that. The bandits also warned each individual, that if they tried to escape, they would not bother chasing them down. Instead, they would kill one of their companions in the wagon.   The youths’ plans suddenly changed when they heard Haymin’s voice speaking to them quietly on their way to or from their breaks. He told them to get some rest and be ready that night. So the youths tried to get whatever sleep they could, in order to be as fresh as possible when the time came.   Sometime in the middle of the night, when most of the bandits slept and only the sentries struggled to stay awake, a commotion struck. Several goblins attacked the bandits causing an alarm and panic to spread throughout the Red Sashes’ camp. The youths roused themselves awake and shortly thereafter, the door to their wagon opened and their belongings were tossed in by an invisible presence. “Grab your gear, let’s go,” they heard Haymin’s voice say before he turned visible again.   Outside, goblins and Red Sash bandits were locked in a frantic battle under a darkened sky illuminated only by a thin sliver of Luna. Haymin started to lead the youths towards the forest, away from the conflict, when Marak Quinaro called back for some men to check on the wagon. Now four bandits broke away from the battle to pursue Haymin and the youths. Haymin turned invisible once more, ordering the youths to run into the forest. As they continued to run, Haymin turned visible as he struck at one of their pursuers. Three of the Red Sashes remained engaged with him while a fourth continued after the youths.   Running towards the forest, it became clear that the short legs of the halfling, Ladigo Farthon, could not keep pace with the Tall Folk. Titta Morco stopped to turn and fire with her bow towards the chasing bandit. Sinjin Fairchild slowed to help Ladigo climb up on his back, so the strong youth could carry him. Auren Sylynn also stopped to help Ladigo up. The others continued running, but slowing once they realized their companions were being left behind.   Chaos, confusion, and calamity enveloped them as the youths entered their first battle, a true life or death situation, the reality of which quickly became apparent to them all. Scattered apart, hindered by the darkened night and lacking an experienced sense of tactics and strategy, the party was heading for a sound defeat. The single bandit downed Titta Morco and Mogi Delvin with swift strikes of his shortsword, while an errant quarterstaff swing from Pyzar Zim inadvertently knocked Sinjin unconscious. The others tried to tend to their wounded companions who lay bleeding to death on the ground. Through level headed action, Selia Roselyn Maxwell quickly bound Titta’s wound and temporarily stopped the bleeding. Pyzar stood face to face with the bandit, landing a lucky blow to his head, leaving the Red Sash bloodied and wounded, but still standing as he prepared to retaliate. Then Haymin appeared from behind and finished the bandit.   Haymin produced three healing potions which he passed to those closest to administer to the fallen. When the entire party was awake and on their feet, they continued running into the forest until they could no longer hear or see any signs of the battle between the goblins and the Red Sashes.   For over a week, their journey continued along the road to Karavale. On the way, Haymin focused on lessons of survival, including battle tactics, hunting, and tracking, while sharing adventuring stories wherever appropriate and answering the youths’ questions.   On the 13th of April, 496 AV, they arrived in Karavale. Haymin took them to the Home Away From Home, the inn owned by Jenivar Albyn, his friend and “special lady,” with whom the youths would be staying until he returned. The initial meeting with Jenivar quickly became awkward as Haymin began to explain the reason for his visit and the presence of his young companions. A heated argument ensued, behind closed doors, which the youths eavesdropped upon, of course, with ears planted firmly upon the door and adjacent wall. Ultimately, Haymin was banished to the taproom to wait for Jenivar’s anger to pass while she addressed the youths.   Jenivar got to know a little about them and served them lunch from the kitchen. An agreement was reached where they would live at the Home Away From Home, working for their room and board, and the occasional tip. After things were squared away and Jenivar could speak to Haymin once more, the youths were taken to the rooms they would share and given the opportunity to settle in to the Home Away From Home, as well as the town of Karavale.   Most took the opportunity to explore the town while Sinjin rested at the inn, happy to be indoors for the first time in almost two weeks. They found Karavale charming and friendly, visiting the park, the market, the docks, several shops, and the local temple of Vita, the Goddess of Life. After their jaunt around town, the youths returned to the Home Away From Home to relax for the evening.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Player Journals
Our first Battle! Let's just forget this one... by Titta Morco
Report Date
04 May 2020


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