Session 5 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 5 Report

General Summary

The party went back to the Home Away From Home and asked Jenivar Albyn to hold onto their reward for them somewhere safe. She agreed to do so and they each took out 1 crown to buy new clothes for that night’s dinner at the Stag Fine Inn and Tavern. They then went to Ponya’s Needle and Thread and purchased new clothes.   That night, Haymin’s Heroes had an extravagant dinner of beef steak and fine elven wine while they conversed with Bozian Guentaro. In the course of conversation, they asked Bozian if he had been approached to pay protection money to the local crime syndicate. He denied knowing anything about such things, but Haymin’s Heroes could not tell if he was telling the truth or holding something back.   Later that night, the party walked around town, trying to find any signs of the Gray Wolves or other minions of the Shadow. They approached the caravan at the north side of town and questioned the guards about any thefts. The guards answered that they had not experienced any, but had been warned of such things so were increasing their patrols and vigilance.   When they returned to the inn, the party came up with a watch schedule to look out for any potential threats on Jenivar and the Home Away From Home for her refusal to pay protection money days before. They would take turns overnight, watching from their southeast room towards the alley behind the inn, reasoning that if any attempt at retribution would most likely come from that direction. Those not on watch would share the other rooms and get some sleep until their turn.   The next morning, Captain Brice came to visit Haymin’s Heroes and question them about their visit to the caravan, informing them that it had been robbed overnight. The guards described to him a group of kids, matching their description, who came last night asking about robberies.   For the next couple days, they continued to settle into some sort of a routine in Karavale, and eventually began working at the Home Away From Home on Tuesday, April 18, 496 AV. They trained alongside their coworkers and learned a little bit about them as well. One such thing they learned was that the waitress, Astri, harbors a crush on Gellir, the morning bartender.   As the week drew towards its end and closer to Nature’s Blessing, the town, and the inn, saw an increase in visitors. On the morning of April 22, 496 AV, Nature’s Blessing, Haymin’s Heroes went to the park to visit the shrines to the nature gods where they were told druids typically gather for the holiday. They spoke to a druid of Terra, both Titta Morco and Ladigo Farthon expressing an interest in Terra’s faith and their desires to potentially train as a ranger and a druid or cleric respectively. In the course of the conversation they heard the druid’s views on Bloodbeak, the vicious owlbear said to be terrorizing the High Hills. They also met Finch Darvane, a ranger of Terra who practices leatherwork in Karavale.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Player Journals
Quiet Village Life. by Titta Morco
Report Date
02 Jun 2020


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