Session 56 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 56 Report

General Summary

Pyzar Zim moved in cautiously as well. But as he neared the closest empty skin, it came alive, raising up and trying to wrap itself around him. The other skin also rose, and started slithering towards Titta Morco. Mogi Delvin cast Fireball, catching that skin and some of the tables at the edge of the room. Some of the jars containing body parts shattered from the blast, but one floated up in the air and began to fly. The brain in the jar floated forward and unleashed a Psionic Blast that left Auren Sylynn, Pyzar, and Fisher stunned. Then three shadows arose from the floor and attacked the party as well.   The battle was chaos. Haymin’s Heroes struggled to affect the shadows and many of their blows passed right through them. One of the skins wrapped itself around Titta and held her grappled. The other wrapped around the stunned Pyzar and brought him down. The shadows syphoned strength from Auren, Ladigo Farthon, and Pennig. Selia Roselyn Maxwell used Dimension Door to teleport herself and Mogi into the back of the room, closer to the flying brain in the jar. Another Psionic Blast then stunned Auren, Mogi, and Pennig.   Titta freed herself from the skin and unleashed her scimitars, tearing through the skin, then turning her attention to the shadows around her. Pyzar recovered from the stun and regained consciousness thanks to Ladigo’s Mass Lesser Vigor. He grabbed his greatsword and fought from the floor. Between him, Fisher, and Ladigo, they defeated that skin. Selia cast Magic Missile and blasted the brain in the jar with four orbs. The glass of the jar was shattered and the brain began to flee. Then Ladigo finished it off with a Splinterbolt, leaving it skewered in the hallway leading out of the room. A few moments later, the remaining shadows were defeated as well and Haymin’s Heroes were victorious.   They looted the room and examined the area with Detect Evil and Detect Magic. Auren was so week from the shadow’s assault that he found it difficult to stand and carry anything of significant weight. The found no signs of any other enemies or secret doors leading to other chambers. They debated whether or not they had found Balekai or Meritas. Eventually, they settled on consulting the guards they left tied up in one of the other rooms.   The guards looked clear eyed and cognizant. They stated that it felt as if they had awoken from a nightmare. They felt compelled to do what the voice in their head told them. It was Balekai, God Under the Mountain. Haymin’s Heroes told them Balekai was no god, but in fact a brain in a jar that was mind-controlling them.   Haymin’s Heroes sought the mayor and noted he, as well as all the guard in flint, were also free from mind control now. They all noted how, at some point that morning, the grip Balekai had upon them was suddenly severed, and they could feel his presence in their minds no more.   After speaking with the mayor, Haymin’s Heroes sought Pella Delvin and her daughter, Delyra. They learned from the mayor that her father-in-law, Grennet Delvin, was one of the original settlers in Flint, having originally hailed from Oathendale. His son, Garvo Delvin was Pella’s husband and Delyra’s father. However, Garvo had died in a mining accident seven years ago. Pella did not know much about the Delvin side of the family, only reinforcing what the mayor had said.   The adventurers were treated like heroes in town. That night at the Flint and Steel, their drinks were free, as were their rooms. The next morning, Ladigo healed everyone with his spells, and used Lesser Restoration to help Auren regain his strength. Then midmorning, they left Flint and began riding back towards Rowadin.   Midmorning on October 12, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes returned to Rowadin. They went straight to the Magic Temple to seek Amanaxis. They told him everything that had happened and told him they knew he was indeed a gold dragon. Then they learned that he had written Being Human, a book that he had gifted to Haymin Stone. Amanaxis examined the Grimoire of Lost Souls. The party ended up leaving the tome with him. Amanaxis promised to seek a way to destroy it, but that it would likely require magic even more powerful than his as the Grimoire of Lost Souls was possibly an artifact created by an archdevil, maybe even Asmodeus, God of Sin. Amanaxis did not have another task for them yet, but promised to let them know when he did. In the meantime, he would also look into the Ten Crown Caravan, the traveling caravan the party had learned had visited Flint months ago. Meritas was part of this caravan, possibly the man in charge of it, from what they had learned from the people in Flint.   From there, Haymin’s Heroes checked in with Trinity Hall so Mogi could report what they had accomplished. Then they returned home to Heroes for Hire. Belpher Burrows informed them that a man had come seeking Auren a couple days ago. He did not leave a name or a message, only that he would try again some time later. This man looked like a knight, wearing the symbol of Solis, God of the Sun. The party then began debating how long they would stay in the city, thinking it might be safer to stay away for a while. The idea of venturing to Bright River was discussed.   Then there was a knock on the door. Auren went upstairs to stay out of sight. When Titta opened the door, they saw that indeed it was a knight wearing the symbol of Solis.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
29 Jun 2021


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