Session 62 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 62 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes stopped in Helmsford for the evening. The next morning they headed to Great Father’s Sanctum to speak to the druids about what had transpired at Bright River. But on the way, they ran into Hygar Anselme, one of the men they had rescued from the Flametongue Stronghold in the High Hills two months ago. Hygar invited them to dinner at his house that evening, and the party accepted. After speaking to the druids and informing them the situation in Bright River had been taken care of, they booked another night at the inn. That night they had dinner at Hygar’s, met his wife and some business associates. Jole Brown, another man they had rescued was there as well. The next morning, Haymin’s Heroes continued their journey back to Rowadin.   On November 17, 498 AV, they stopped in Flint. There they checked on Delyra Delvin and were happy to learn she had reconnected with Amanaxis. The town seemed like it had recuperated nicely from the ordeal it had endured because of Balekai, God Under the Mountain. Haymin’s Heroes spent the evening at the Flint and Steel and continued their journey home the next morning.   They returned to Rowadin on November 20, 498 AV. They went first to find Amanaxis and did so at the Magic Temple. They showed him the magic journal they had found and discussed what had happened in Bright River. Then Amanaxis informed them that he had learned about the Ten Crown Caravan. He knew its route around the Lioden Peaks and shared that he believed it was currently in the vicinity of York, Kainan. He asked them to look into the caravan and this Meritas person and to handle the situation accordingly.   Haymin’s Heroes then returned to Heroes for Hire and learned that Astri had been missing for three days. Belpher Burrows told them that he and Patch had returned from the market one afternoon and that she was gone. They had found a holy symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye on the floor in the main hall. Belpher informed the authorities, but they had been unable to locate her. He and Patch had looked for Madame Inness, the fortune teller, whom Astri had been visiting regularly. They hoped that she would be able to divine something about what had happened, but they were unable to locate the fortune teller.   Auren Sylynn then went to find Jenivar Albyn . When he reached the Black Glove Society, however, she was nowhere to be found. His associates promised to relay his message to her when she appeared, though. Selia Roselyn Maxwell and Titta Morco went to the Mystic Emporium and bought a pair of Scrying scrolls. Mogi Delvin examined the bedroom to see if he could find any clues as to her disappearance. While they waited for the others to return, Pyzar Zim taught Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone about their history with the Doom Bringers.   When Selia and Titta returned, Selia began casting Scrying. The spell took an hour to complete and when she had finished, it appeared that the magic had failed. The mirror used as a focus fogged up, but showed nothing else. She then used the second scroll and cast again. During this whole time, Mogi impatiently paced the floor. The second casting yielded a result. Astri’s image appeared in the mirror. She was on a bed in the corner of a room. They could see walls of worked stone and a crib off to one side. Torch light flickered in from a distance. And Auren, who was present for the second casting noticed that the light appeared to be shining through bars.   Astri was alive and imprisoned somewhere. They speculated where that might be, but there were too many possibilities. Jenivar then arrived and they talked about the matter further. They resolved to locate Madame Inness. Jenivar would have the Black Glove Society seek her out. The party then left to search for her themselves.   Just down the block from the guild, a young boy approached them and promised to lead them to Inness. He did so after accepting a crown as payment. Her house was not far from Heroes for Hire. She welcomed the party when they arrived, claiming she sensed they were looking for her.   Madame Inness told them that she had been hiding for the past few days after sensing a dark omen. They told her about Astri’s abduction and showed her the holy symbol. Inness sat by her crystal ball and began to chant. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she told them she saw a sign that read “Mantle.” She also saw a dark that loomed over 17 Timber Street. This would lead them to the Doom Bringers. Haymin’s Heroes thanked her and left.   They made plans to leave the next morning after purchasing supplies. By now it was already too late. Before they went to bed, though, Jenivar returned. She told them they found Inness and then produced a holy symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye. Jenivar stated that it belonged to Inness. The party was shocked and in the end were persuaded by Jenivar to not confront Inness. It would be better if she believed they still trusted her. It might prove useful in the future. She then left with the holy symbol and promised to return it so that Inness did not notice it was missing.   On November 21, 498 AV, Haymin’s Heroes set off for Mantle, Kainan. They journeyed with Wind at Back cast by Ladigo Farthon and made great time. The trek was largely uneventful, though north of the Lioden Peaks they had a confrontation with the bandits known as the Blades again. They defeated this group of bandits soundly and left none alive this time.   On November 25, 498 AV, they reached the Kainish border and the first of many toll stations. They purchased an annual pass for the road toll and continued towards Mantle. Then, on November 28, 498 AV, when they were about ten miles from Mantle, a stone flew across their path and landed before them as they rode. They stopped and noticed a naked man standing in the woods off to the side of the road. His wrists were bound in manacles with an attachment that trapped his fingers, preventing him from moving them as well. This man waved at them to get their attention.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
06 Sep 2021


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