Session 66 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 66 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes decided to leave the Doom Bringer stronghold. Selia Roselyn Maxwell carried Astri, Mogi Delvin, and Pyzar Zim in a Bag of Holding and flew down to where the horses were hitched. There, they waited for the rest of the party to make the winding trek down the mountainside. They progressed away from the Lioden Peaks towards Mantle at a very slow pace, due to Astri’s advanced pregnancy. They only got a few miles away before they stopped for the evening to rest. The next few days progressed similarly. They traveled a much shorter distance than they were accustomed to, Ladigo Farthon only casting Easy Trail to make the path easier to traverse. They could not use speed enhancing spells as the horses had to maintain a gentle pace.   On December 5, 498 AV, Selia had completed learning the Teleport spell. They decided to stop where they were and she would use her magic to whisk them back home. Due to the limitation of the spell, though, it would take a few days as Selia would have to make several trips. Still, it was much faster than riding home. Ladigo aided the process by casting Reduce Animal on the horses, Pennig, and Fisher. In addition, some people were carried along inside a Bag of Holding. On the first day, Selia took Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Astri, Mogi, and Mogi’s horse back to Rowadin. The next day, she teleported three of the horses. Then came a couple more horse, plus Ladigo and Pennig. Finally, on December 8, 498 AV, Selia teleported Titta Morco, Auren Sylynn, and Pyzar.   Astri gave birth to Hannah Delvin on December 11, 498 AV. She was a healthy baby girl and there were no complications with the pregnancy. Kyrie oversaw the delivery. Jenivar Albyn, Lady Dyora Albyn, and Amanaxis all came to visit after learning the good news. And Selia teleported to Karavale to transport Astri’s mother to Rowadin to see her grandchild.   While the mood at Heroes for Hire was celebratory, Amanaxis shared some disturbing news with some of the party. The Grimoire of Lost Souls had resisted various attempts to destroy it by he and spellcasters from the Sons of Merlin. Then ultimately, it disappeared, seemingly as a self-defense mechanism. Amanaxis did not know where the Grimoire of Lost Souls ended up, but he speculated that it probably returned to its creator.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
02 Nov 2021


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