Session 86 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 86 Report

General Summary

Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Haste on the party and then stepped back. Pyzar Zim rushed forth and killed the closest cultist. Then Mogi Delvin cast Fireball and killed five of the enemy in the southwest end of the room, including a Doom Bringer wizard who was preparing to cast a spell. Ladigo Farthon cast Wall of Sand across most of the north edge of the room and trapped several Doom Bringers within. After that, it was just a matter of picking off the ones that remained. When the enemy were all dead or trapped, the party waited for the Wall of Sand to expire.   In the meantime, they looked down the large hole in the middle of the room. It created a shaft that descended quite a distance, farther than Mogi could see with his darkvision. Auren Sylynn dropped a sunrod down the hole and watched as it eventually hit the floor, well over one hundred feet down where it looked like it opened up into a large chamber. The party began searching around the room when Fisher reacted to something down the hole. The party came back to look and found that the sunrod was gone. Auren dropped another one down. Then they witnessed a green beam from the west strike the sunrod, causing it to disappear. Auren immediately thought: beholder!   When the Wall of Sand vanished, there were several dead cultists who could not escape and had suffocated. However, it appeared that one had escaped through a door on the north wall. The door was blocked by some furniture, but the party forced their way through into a bedroom with two beds. The remaining cultist cowered behind one of the beds.   Titta Morco began to question him and Selia cast Detect Thoughts. Either through admission or by the reading of the acolyte’s mind, Haymin’s Heroes learned that the Eye of Doom was indeed a beholder named Mokku. In Mokku’s lair, there should be a few more beholders and a pair of arrow demons. Two of the other beholders were smaller and the third had tentacles beneath him that he used to control a huge monstrous spider and ride it like a mount. Apart from that, there should only be a pair of wizards a couple levels down guarded by two fire elementals. The rest of the Doom Bringers are out searching for Idarin Black. Idarin Black had stolen something called the Ring of Ruin. This Ring of Ruin was to be instrumental in the Doom Bringers finding the Heart of Embril. And with the Heart of Embril, they can release and control the Great Beast.   The acolyte did not know anything more. They tied him up and left him in the room. The party searched the rooms behind all the other doors and found another bedroom, a storage room, and an empty dungeon with several chains and shackles attached to the wall. When they were satisfied, they descended down a set of stairs to the second level.   There was no one on this level. They found a large sleeping chamber with about a dozen bedrolls. Around the corner from that was a kitchen and dining area. They also found a corridor that joined to the shaft.   A set of stairs led to the third level. Waiting on the landing there were two large fire elementals. When the party entered the room, they held forth the holy symbols of the Elder Elemental Eye and said, “Bring ruin upon the world.” This was the passphrase they had learned from the acolyte to bybass the traps here. The fire elementals backed away and let them pass. The party entered a room through a door and found the two wizards working in a well-stocked laboratory. As the party was still dressed in cultist robes, the wizards did not react immediately. Titta played it off like they were bringing them an important message and her and Pyzar approached them. Then Pyzar killed one of the wizards. The other wizard was killed a few seconds later.   They searched the room and found notes on the Ring of Ruin. It was a rusted metal ring engraved with the holy symbols of Clades, God of Disaster and Vastator, God of Destruction. It possessed two powerful abilities. One was the Fury’s Might, the ability to cast Control Weather instantaneously. The other was the Destroyer’s Wrath, the ability to cast Disintegrate. Both abilities could be used by the wearer of the ring, and it did not require them to have any spellcasting ability.   This ring reminded them of the ring Bram Invictus was wearing. His also was engraved with holy symbols, though his possessed four of them and of different gods. They wondered briefly about the rings that Haymin had left them and if they were related to these in any way.   They finished searching this level and found the wizards’ bedroom. There was also a corridor that opened into the shaft. The other end of that corridor descended down a set of stairs that turned and continued to descend. Based on how far down they had already gone, these stairs must lead to Mokku’s chamber. The party stopped at the stairs and began to prepare. The battle posed several dangers, considering there were multiple beholders and arrow demons. They knew about the beholder’s anti-magic eye effect as well as the several spells they could cast with their eye stalks. This would not be easy. They decided to summon as many air elementals as they could to bolster their numbers and give the beholders something else to think about. Plus their maneuverability might be an asset. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast some spells on the party to enhance their offensive and defensive capability as well.   Between Ladigo’s spells, Mogi’s ring, and an Elemental gem they found earlier, they summoned four small, four medium, and four large air elementals. They commanded the air elementals to go down the shaft while they proceeded down the stairs. They entered large chamber at the upper level. The stairs continued down to the ground while two other sets branched off to platforms about halfway down. Three arrow demons awaited them in the room, one on each platform and one on the ground by the base of the stairs. The arrow demons called out and two smaller beholders came out of one of three openings along the west wall at ground level. Then from another opening came the huge spider. Tentacles were attached to it just behind its head and a larger beholder came out with it like a rider attached by the tentacles. All of these beholders only had six eye stalks. Then Mokku, the Eye of Doom appeared from the third opening, twenty feet up along the west wall. He was a large beholder with ten eye stalks. He brought his central eye to bear upon the party, his gaze covering most of the room in his anti-magic cone.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
10 May 2022


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