Session 90 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 90 Report

General Summary

Pyzar Zim ran into the room towards weapons racks along a side wall. He grabbed a greatsword and exclaimed in dismay when he realized it was wooden. Then he ran past the iron golem to the door behind them. The iron golems reacted and attacked him with their real swords when he ran past. Auren Sylynn ran in and to the door as well. Mogi Delvin summoned a few air elementals with his ring to distract the golems. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone ran into the room and cast Spiritual Weapon to further distract them. In the hallway, Ladigo Farthon cast Wall of Sand around the stewards and Idarin Black. Then Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Teleport and took Mogi and Ladigo with her to the Glass Dragon Inn. They quickly rushed through their rooms picking up the party’s gear.   Titta Morco ran into the room and picked up a pair of wooden scimitars from the rack and continued toward the door. Traegandar ran in as well, following the party. Pyzar opened the door and Merrywind Onyx could be heard singing his song just ahead. Pyzar ran in to the backstage area, taking more hits from the iron golems and ended up at the edge of the stage. He was bleeding heavily. Members of the party followed him and Merrywind abruptly stopped his song in dramatic fashion.   Merrywind rushed to one side of the stage and pulled a lever. Then a section of the stage floor opened up and smoke backed by a red glow billowed out. A cage began lowering from above the hole, suspended on a thick metal chain. Jenivar Albyn and Lady Dyora Albyn were bound and gagged within the cage. Merrywind turned to the party and demanded the Sacred Rings and the map or the sisters would die. When Haymin’s Heroes failed to acquiesce, he ordered his minions to kill them. Suddenly a dozen doppelgangers entered from around the stage and the battle commenced.   Kyrie sang to Merrywind and they bantered in song, continuing the performance. The orchestra kept up with the performers and the battle playing out. The cage continued to descend, so Traegandar flew up and pushed it in a circular path as it lowered, hoping to avoid the hole. He noted that there was no heat coming from beneath the stage and that the trap was likely fake. Pyzar rushed Merrywind, but fell as Merrywind struck him with his rapier. Auren ran up to Pyzar and cast Heal from the Ring of Light relieving him of all his wounds. Selia cast Teleport onto the stage bringing Mogi and Ladigo. The latter two appeared on stage carrying the party’s Bags of Holding.   The battle ended when Kyrie cast Holy Smite. The majority of the doppelgangers fell from the blast. Merrywind was seriously wounded and began a dramatic death scene that culminated with him singing Last Breath. The remaining doppelgangers joined in the song as did the ensemble cast from around the stage. Then Kyrie finished the song with an impromptu verse just before the curtain fell.   In the chaotic aftermath, Haymin’s Heroes as well as the Albyn sisters took bows on stage with the entire cast. After the bows and the curtain fell once more, they learned that it was not Merrywind at all, but a doppelganger posing as him. Merrywind, they were told was already on his way to claiming the Heart of Embril. Somehow, he had found an alternate way passed Terra’s Wall. The doppelgangers told Haymin’s Heroes that they were too late and that he had a head start on them. Frustrated, the party left the cast and returned to the Glass Dragon Inn to discuss their next move.   Haymin’s Heroes would be going after Merrywind. Their main goal was to stop him from acquiring the Heart of Embril. Lady Dyora and Jenivar would be trying to locate Rybierith, the green dragon that killed Edmar Maratino. Dyora told Haymin’s Heroes that once she located the dragon, she would be hiring them to kill it.   They all returned to Rowadin that night. The next morning, on May 18, 499 AV, Selia teleported with Traegandar and Ladigo to Appelwind. Her Teleport was a little off the mark and they appeared in the forest some miles away. Traegandar turned into his dragon form and Ladigo pointed out northwest. They got on his back and the dragon began to fly towards Terra’s Wall. It took the entirety of the day, but after about 400 miles, they reached the mountains. Using the Sacred Map, Selia found a cave entrance in the western mountainside. Then she teleported them all back to Rowadin.   On the morning of May 19, 499 AV, she teleported the entire party to the cave entrance. They followed the path on the map and entered the subterranean passages. Ladigo cast Pass Without Trace in case Merrywind and company were trying to follow them. The first day in the darkness beneath Terra’s Wall was uneventful. Though there were several branching and winding passages, caves, caverns, and chasms, they made progress.   On May 20, 499 AV, they reached a small underground lake and noticed ripples in the water’s surface. They gave the lake a wide berth but noticed loose ground of dirt and rocks dotting the rocky cavernous floor. The ground around them began to shake, quickly growing closer. Then an enormous purple worm burst forth from beneath them. It immediately grabbed Kyrie in its mouth, its teeth piercing her and wounding her severely. It lifted her off the ground with a vice-like grip and began trying to swallow her whole.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
14 Jun 2022


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