Session 92 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 92 Report

General Summary

Pyzar Zim rushed the shadow dragon, attacking it with his greatsword as it snapped at him with powerful jaws. Soon, Nathgraxamin was surrounded by Titta Morco, Fisher, Mogi Delvin, Traegandar, Pennig, and Auren Sylynn. Haymin’s Heroes quickly overwhelmed the dragon with alternating Mass Snake’s Swiftness spells from Ladigo Farthon and Mogi. Titta delivered the final blow, lodging her scimitar deep into its neck.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone began healing the wounded while Mogi, Traegandar and Pennig stood near the entrance to the cavern looking down the passage for any sign of a potential drow ambush. Auren, Titta, Ladigo, and Pyzar checked the dragon’s treasure hoard while Selia Roselyn Maxwell picked the dragon for scales, blood, and other components.   Eventually, Haymin’s Heroes approached the wards. When Selia, Titta, and Auren drew near, they sensed that with their Sacred Rings they could open a temporary opening in the wards if they all willed it together. They did so and the magical aura faded. They then walked towards the strange metallic door, which caused it to open automatically.   The party entered into a metallic hallway with intermittently blinking lights on the ceiling. Electric sparks could be heard here and there. There was another doorway at the end of the hall. This door had not visible handle, but there were buttons on the wall next to it. Auren pressed one of the buttons and the door slid aside into the interstice. They entered a long hallway with several doors.   They began exploring room by room, finding strange things they could not explain. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all metal. There were lights behind translucent panels in the ceiling. On some of the walls and tables they saw flat black boxes that looked like they were made of an opaque glass. There were scorch marks on some of the walls, signs of a great blast in one room, with several smaller burn marks down the hallway and some of the rooms. They found strange apparatuses all over that defied explanation.   They pressed buttons on tables in some of the rooms. Many of them did nothing. Some of them caused sparks and sounds of static. Then one of them caused a voice to speak from overhead. It could be heard in all of the rooms. A broken message signaled distress and referred to the Navis as a transport ship. Titta wondered aloud if there had ever been an ocean or large body of water in the area in times of old.   In the next room, she pressed some buttons and one of the glass panels came alive with life-like moving images of some of the rooms in the ship. It depicted a battle between two forces, one of them wearing combat armor, the other without. Both sides suffered losses, but those in plain gray suits suffered the heaviest. In one room, several people struggled with the controls of the ship as it was heading uncontrollably towards the surface of a barren planet. In another, the people in gray suits barricaded themselves in, realizing their fight was lost. After the ship crashed, there were only twelve of the people in gray still alive, seven men, and five women. They discussed their plight and argued over their next course of action. Then one man began to pray. Slowly, one by one, the others joined him. Eventually, the men in combat armor entered the room. They pointed their weapons at the twelve and unleashed their fire rays. But now the twelve suddenly had glowing eyes. One of them held up a hand and deflected the fire. Then another one raised a hand and unleashed dark energy.   The recording ceased and Haymin’s Heroes rewatched it a few times. They believed they were witnessing the original gods of Embril. They searched the rest of the ship, but found little else they could make sense of.   They left the ship through another doorway and continued through underground passages once more. The next day, May 23, 499 AV, they exited the mountains and found themselves within Clades’ Wrath. It was not the wasteland they expected. It was lush and overgrown. There were animals who looked at the party with curiosity. There were bright colored birds.   On May 24, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes reached the Pantheon Temple. It was an old crumbling stone building with vines covering the walls. Inside they saw the Heart of Embril, a plain looking stone held in a three-pronged stand. A powerful aura emanated from the stone, reminding them of that of the wards. When they approached the Heart of Embril, a man walked in to the Pantheon Temple from the main entrance.   He introduced himself as Eruditio, God of Knowledge. They conversed for a while and he explained to the party that the gods were originally mortals from another world. They were slaves who revolted against their masters. Their revolt caused their ship to crash upon this planet. When they were about to give up hope, they began praying. Their prayers were answered by a god named Embril. This god was engaged in a losing battle with Asmodeus, God of Sin. Before he died, he dispersed his divine essence and sent it to the praying beings. Thus, the Gods of Embril were born. After defeating their masters with their divine powers, they began transforming the barren planet they crash landed on into a hospitable world. They named this world after the god who had saved them, Embril.   Eruditio explained that the Heart of Embril was a conduit through which their divine energies powered the wards. If it were to be removed, the wards would fall land the Great Beast would be freed from its prison. They discussed the Great Beast, but Eruditio did not know its true origin, only that it was tied to the firmament of the world and could not be killed permanently.   Soon after the god left, Merrywind Onyx and the Unseen arrived. While his minions entered from the other side of the temple, Merrywind snuck in, invisible, through a hole next to where the party was standing. He blasted them with a Greater Shout spell, leaving them all temporarily deafended and a few of them stunned. As some of the party engaged the visible foes, Traegandar pinpointed Merrywind’s location with his draconic senses. Merrywind had run behind the altar. Traegandar ran up behind him and unleashed his fire breath. Then Mogi attacked where he also sensed Merrywind. Selia reacted by casting Glitterdust over Merrywind, making it so all could now see him outlined in bright sparkles.   Those who could, swarmed him. Kyrie cast Harm and tried to touch him, but he managed to evade her. A Mass Snake’s Swiftness spell saw those surrounding him make extra attacks that threatened to bring him down, but he healed himself with his magic.   With the ground shaking, the building started to tremble. Then the wall nearest the altar came down. The Great Beast stood on the other side. It swallowed Merrywind whole while it lashed out with claws, horns, and tail at the other nearest. It killed a summoned dire wolf and wounded Titta.   All those remaining began to flee, including Haymin’s Heroes. The beast gave chase and, with a surprising burst of speed, caught up to them. Then it was as if time seemed to slow for all but the party. They continued to run as the Great Beast stood motionless. When the effect wore off, they were far enough away, though they began hearing the screams of the Unseen behind them. Haymin’s Heroes continued to Terra’s Wall and all the way to the Navis. They crossed the wards and decided to Teleport back to Rowadin.   The Heart of Embril was safe inside Clades’ Wrath. Merrywind Onyx was dead and the Ring of Ruin trapped behind the wards. They expressed concern over the Ring of Darkness possessed by Bram Invictus, but brushed those thoughts aside temporarily. This chapter of their lives had come to an abrupt close. They needed to look towards the future. But first, they would take a well-deserved rest.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
30 Jun 2022


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