Cordia Cantaber

Astroknight Cordia Cantaber

Cordia Cantaber was born in a small hamlet in the Laura Forests, far west of Laurinium and situated upon the Eficharistos River. Her family were river traders and fishermen, selling to those who traveled the river between Alsona and the Shin Empire. She learned most of her craft from the local school and aiding on the river boats, helping unload vessels and selling fish to those passing by. She married one of the local traders, and began to settle down once again with her extended family, seeking out a simple life in the remoteness of the forest. Everything changed as construction of Silva Hold began.   Silva Hold was constructed less than a mile away from the village in which Cordia grew up and started her family. The Legate of Laurinium made frequent visits to the region and the people of Cordia's village were asked to help as much as possible to sponsor and build the structure. What was just a village became for a time a small town, as workers and artisans sent to build the castle stayed and helped in what was becoming known as Cantaberium. Talking with the legionaries stationed at the castle site, Cordia became enraptured with the glory and idea of fighting in the legions, having had her own experience on the river with Confederate raiders and river pirates. An inkling of an idea began to grow.   Despite her relatively advanced age when compared to other recruits in the Star Guard, Cordia decided to enlist with the legions of Laurinium in 998. She had previous combat experience in river boat combat, and this proved to her advantage, over the other raw recruits of the legions. She was quickly elevated through the ranks of the Star Guard, teaching the techniques of marine combat to the warriors of the legions. This skillset was fairly unknown in the landlocked empire, and her aid helped fill this gap in training. Within fifteen years she had reached the rank of Astroknight and was deemed fit for her own command.    Ironically, after spending years away from her family and throughout all points of the Shin Empire, she found herself reassigned close to home, in Silva Hold. The fortress had been completed for nearly a decade when she was sent back. After assuming command, she has refocused efforts on river interception and the protection against smugglers from Alsona and the Sypi Confederacy. She has been commended multiple times by the Legate of Laurinium, and has reportedly become close friends. Others allege and affair, but with the death of Cordia's husband in 1021, these claims have diminished. Cordia has become an outspoken proponent of greater independence for the legions and legates, particularly for the Laura Forests.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Astroknight, head of the Silva Hold Garrison
Date of Birth
Newfeast 7, 966
Year of Birth
966 AF 75 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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