Star Guard

The Star Guard is the primary military force of the Shin Empire. They are known as the oldest standing and professional army in all of Emicara. Having served the aristocracy since their arrival in the Apps, the Star Guard is a melding of the armies that once existing in the region with the professionalism and technology of the Shin. They are separated from civilian law enforcement in the cities of the empire, instead focusing solely upon both internal and external threats to the nation's safety as a whole.


The Star Guard is a professionally organized military with some of the same trappings of the imperial Jakonian regiments. There are key organizational differences, with the emphasis on the Star Guard creating individually self-sufficient military units, designed for long distance operation and a large amount of support forces. This includes independent logistics, armor repair, and even some manufacturing elements to help sustain the legions of the Star Guard in the field. Each of these legions is commanded by an astroknight, the highest rank a person can achieve without being a member of the Shin aristocracy. When multiple legions are assembled into an army or garrison, they are in turn commanded by a legate, the highest rank available in the military, besides the Prime Legate.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Star Guard is the military defense of the Shin Empire and its inhabitants. Nonhumans are strictly banned from service in the Star Guard, often being referred to auxiliary or militia units which are granted far less support and trust. The Star Guard is heavily intertwined with the politics of the Shin Empire, even at a local level, with legates being political appointees from the highest levels of nobility and aristocracy in the empire. Despite the politicization of the higher levels of the military, the Guard has only been rarely used in inter-house quarrels and disputes. This is largely attributed to the constant supervision of House Bede and the Eternal Empress' calming influence. However, since the closure of the borders in 999, the Guard has become much more divided and various legates have been demonstrating increased power and loyalty from their soldiers in the field, and independence of action.


The Star Guard has access to the most magically and technologically advanced weaponry and armor available in all of Emicara. Magical knowhow is implemented into every unit of the legions, and each legion has access to spell casters and enchanted items available in quantities unheard of outside of the empire. The most intimidating of these weapons are the magical suits of armor worn by the astroknights and the legates. The appearance of one of these on a battlefield has been enough to rout entire enemy armies just from reputation. Provided enhanced protection, built-in magical weaponry, and the capability to take a ballista bolt in stride has enabled the astroknights to single-handedly decimate entire Jakonian regiments.


The history of the Star Guard prior to the closure of Shin borders is tied into the history of the empire itself. It was formed at the same time as the Shin Empire was declared, and has been an integral part of the system ever since. The closure of the border changed things however. With lessened supervision from Novanass, and the absence of the Prime Legate, many of the legates in the foothills of the Apps Mountains have begun to act more independently. Some are beginning to take orders from the command chain as more suggestions than rules, and every legate and astroknight have become significantly more determined to hang on to as many of their current forces as possible. Constant demands for soldiers from Novanass with nothing in return have left many in the legions bitter and angry at the current state of affairs in the empire.

Sidus Igni

Founding Date
Newfeast 30, 105
Military, Armed Forces
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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