
The Shin are best known as fervent believers in the power of engineering and technology, often intertwined with magic. Shin obsession with technology stems from their aristocracy, who all wield ancient mechanical armors that far exceed the power of mundane technology and metalworking. The Shin have the firm belief that everything in the world can be explained with thorough study and analysis, and this is reflected in every element of their culture. Their works have outpaced all of their neighbors and their technology is frequently forbidden from being released to other states. Shin are also the most literate people in the world, with universal education providing an enlightened population that tries to take the world apart to figure out how it ticks.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Atia, Albania, Rufia, Tullia, Faleria, Clovia, Vinicia, Camilia, Gegania, Accoleia

Masculine names

Spurius, Lucius, Vibius, Cosconius, Canus, Caius, Herius, Curtius, Kaeso, Publius

Family names

Bonosus, Voculam, Centumalus, Hirrus, Germanicus, Iovinianus, Damasippus, Muco, Mico, Lunaris


Major language groups and dialects

The Shin language is claimed to be even more ancient than Common. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant, as it is far different than any other tongues spoken in Emicara, with its syllables and sounds being unrecognizable to most scholars. The language doesn't vary much among Shin communities, as they take it as a matter of pride to retain proper pronunciation and grammar regardless of the circumstance. In areas where Shin minorities live among other cultures, this can somewhat fade, as they borrow words from Common or whatever other dominant tongue their may be.

Art & Architecture

The art of the Shin emerges from engineering. Surpassed only by mountain gnome tinkerers, the Shin put their art into clockwork wonders and constructions. Many of these mimic automatons and the creations of the Nameless Empire, but they have yet to reach that pinnacle of technology. This is similarly reflected in their architecture, as their towns and cities take on wondrous appearance, built on top of and into mountains, with the very bedrock of the mountains being reshaped to suit Shin purposes. In their lowland communities, engineering takes on different forms in the styles of elaborate plumbing and running water, with ornately decorated fountains and other great feats unrivaled anywhere except perhaps in the Imperial City of Jakonia.


Gender Ideals

There are no gender barriers among the Shin. Man and woman alike can achieve the highest positions in Shin society, without any stain or stigma. Women are provided for by the state when pregnant in many cases, and men are given time to care for their children after birth.

Relationship Ideals

Among the Shin, intellectual compatibility is what leads to the most solid of relationships, whether in romance or friendship. Intelligence is praised as the preeminent ability, far above physical skill or constitution. Shin form quick bonds with those who share the same pursuits and ideals, often seeking out people with similar hobbies or ideas. They also highly enjoy meeting automatons, who find quick friends and comfort among Shin communities.


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