Ewyn Rachiden

Ewyn Rachiden

Ewyn Rachiden was born as one part of a pair of twins to the Alsonan branch of the Rachiden Banking House. A half-elf, he has rarely found a place to fit in with his family, beyond his twin brother. The twins were nearly inseparable in their youth, and regularly partook in adventures and shenanigans throughout the streets of Pathenonas. The wealth of the family enabled no object barriers to their plans of growth and development, and Ewyn ultimately found a fondness for the theater and finer things of life. Thanks to training at the University of Parthenonas, he has become a renowned actor among the people of Alsona, upon the stages. He typically performs under the stage name of Gavrill Mavrallis, and conceals his elven heritage.   During the Wingo War, Ewyn played a vital part to the war effort, entertaining the armies and performing for crowds near the front lines. He became known for his good humor and talents, helping soldiers and civilians forget the terrors that the forest elves and dwarves were bringing to the lands of western Alsona. He was trapped for a time during the siege of Makriathea, but proved to keep up the morale of the towns defenders, telling jokes and acting in one-man plays even as the dwarves were ramming the main gates. After the war his renown has given him a comfortable position in one of the leading theaters of Parthenonas, where he remains.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Riftwatch 13, 995
Year of Birth
995 AF 46 Years old
Aligned Organization


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